November beings one week from today. I can't believe we're getting so close to the end of the year, can you? Besides colder temperatures, Thanksgiving, and maybe some s-n-o-w, November is also the month of NaNoWriMo. This event is formally called National Novel Writing Month. Essentially, the goal is to write 50,000 words of a story completely from scratch during the month of November. The story can range from non-fiction to fantasy or from original ideas to fanfiction. Your story can be whatever you want to write. According to what the NaNoWriMo site says anything is fine because "If you believe you're writing a novel, we believe you're writing a novel too."
I've participated ever since 2007, that year being the only year I've yet to win since I didn't know about the event until a couple days into November. I wasn't able to catch up on the time I missed out on. The story I created was also poorly thought out and terribly written, this being caused by both lack of planning time and my lack of experience as a young writer. I tried once a couple years ago to plan the story out properly. I think I was planning on making it into a roleplay I could start on Gaia Online. However, I eventually scrapped the idea entirely. It was something nostalgic to think back on, but nothing more.
Until this month. My old roommate tagged me in a comment on Facebook in the beginning of October about another girl's search for people to share in this year's NaNoWriMo experience with her. I was glad my roommate tagged me. October is an important planning time for NaNo participants, and I had completely forgotten that November was fast approaching. I thought for a couple days what I wanted to do this year. I'd exhausted all the story ideas I'd stocked up over time. I considered continuing on with the story
I started last year but didn't finish.
Then I went to the NaNo site to update my various novels' information since the site had been changed again. I had to face once more the blue 2007 circle of failure that laughed in my face amongst the purple victory circles of the years after. I made my decision. I was not going to accept that year's loss anymore. "Tales of Lerathian" was going to come to life in 50,000+ words glory. Since that day I made my decision, I've been working hard to really give my novel structure and purpose when I start to works towards that 50,000 word goal.
Needless to say, 50,000 words is a lot of words. It takes a lot of time to write the required 1,667 words each and every day. What does that decrease of free time mean for this blog and all my Sims stories? Hopefully, not that much. I do blessedly have a lot of free time. I should be able to write ToL while keeping up with my normal updates here. However, that might not turn out to be the case if something comes up. I will cut back updates to The Goddess' Order to only one update per week if worse comes to pass. I plan to get as many pre-made during these last days of October so that can be avoided at all costs.
If you're interested, I hope you will either decide to join NaNoWriMo yourself or follow me on my own adventure. The official site is, and my author page is
here. Like last year, I'll post excerpts when I finish each chapter and possibly the full chapters again once November is over.
I look forward to writing through this approaching chaotic but fun time with you!
~Best wishes,