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Whenever all six of my children are in front me, I really have to stop and wonder once again why I went ahead and slept with another man. The signs of a new pregnant haven't shown yet, but I can feel them coming. I know it will only be a matter of days before my stomach starts to pull a little more tightly against my clothes. I miss the times when I only had Elioviel to take care of. I can't forget that it was my goal to fill the house up though. I've definitely reached that goal. I just hope I can keep my sanity throughout all of this.


With the spring weather being crisp, clear, and refreshing Elediril, Milmarion, Noril, and Raradia spent the entire weekend at the festival. I figured it was fine to let them go as long as they made sure to finish all their chores first. It was also so nice having the house quiet that I even gave them extra pocket money so they could stay out later. I did join them once to go festival egg hunting with Noril and Raradia, but Niphredil became so irritable by all the loud noises that I had to bring her back home before too long.

NaNoWriMo in One Week!

November beings one week from today. I can't believe we're getting so close to the end of the year, can you? Besides colder temperatures, Thanksgiving, and maybe some s-n-o-w, November is also the month of NaNoWriMo. This event is formally called National Novel Writing Month. Essentially, the goal is to write 50,000 words of a story completely from scratch during the month of November. The story can range from non-fiction to fantasy or from original ideas to fanfiction. Your story can be whatever you want to write. According to what the NaNoWriMo site says anything is fine because "If you believe you're writing a novel, we believe you're writing a novel too."

I've participated ever since 2007, that year being the only year I've yet to win since I didn't know about the event until a couple days into November. I wasn't able to catch up on the time I missed out on. The story I created was also poorly thought out and terribly written, this being caused by both lack of planning time and my lack of experience as a young writer. I tried once a couple years ago to plan the story out properly. I think I was planning on making it into a roleplay I could start on Gaia Online. However, I eventually scrapped the idea entirely. It was something nostalgic to think back on, but nothing more.

Until this month. My old roommate tagged me in a comment on Facebook in the beginning of October about another girl's search for people to share in this year's NaNoWriMo experience with her. I was glad my roommate tagged me. October is an important planning time for NaNo participants, and I had completely forgotten that November was fast approaching. I thought for a couple days what I wanted to do this year. I'd exhausted all the story ideas I'd stocked up over time. I considered continuing on with the story I started last year but didn't finish.

Then I went to the NaNo site to update my various novels' information since the site had been changed again. I had to face once more the blue 2007 circle of failure that laughed in my face amongst the purple victory circles of the years after. I made my decision. I was not going to accept that year's loss anymore. "Tales of Lerathian" was going to come to life in 50,000+ words glory. Since that day I made my decision, I've been working hard to really give my novel structure and purpose when I start to works towards that 50,000 word goal.

Needless to say, 50,000 words is a lot of words. It takes a lot of time to write the required 1,667 words each and every day. What does that decrease of free time mean for this blog and all my Sims stories? Hopefully, not that much. I do blessedly have a lot of free time. I should be able to write ToL while keeping up with my normal updates here. However, that might not turn out to be the case if something comes up. I will cut back updates to The Goddess' Order to only one update per week if worse comes to pass. I plan to get as many pre-made during these last days of October so that can be avoided at all costs.

If you're interested, I hope you will either decide to join NaNoWriMo yourself or follow me on my own adventure. The official site is, and my author page is here. Like last year, I'll post excerpts when I finish each chapter and possibly the full chapters again once November is over.

I look forward to writing through this approaching chaotic but fun time with you!

~Best wishes,


I was surprised when I found myself dealing with some morning sickness this time around. The last time I experienced any was that awful pregnancy with Elrelas, Henduil, Silmalad, and Alyan. I pray that this nausea is not a sign of a large number of multiples, though I think I would have been able to tell if that was the case by now. Perhaps I'm carrying twins again. I will not know. I've decided to hold off again on finding out the gender of my child again. The excitement of being surprised at Raradia's birth has given me the patience to wait. Whether it's a boy or girl, whether it's one child or two- only at the birth will the truth be revealed.

My Minecraft Elvish Build

So, believe it or not, I actually play other games besides the Sims! Minecraft is another one I play often. I play it often because I like it, but also because it's so easy to load unlike other games.

I decided to break away from the Sims to show you something I've built that I'm rather proud of. This world that I'm showing you is called "Horses". That's because when I made the world my goal was to finally to explore all the horse stuff that had been added to the game that I hadn't tried out yet. My plan had been to build a normal house so I could focus solely on building a nice stable.

I opened the world, and spent a good two hours mining underground for stuff. When I emerged from a random exit I found, I discovered a beautiful lake surrounded by mountains. I knew that was where I wanted my house to be. I popped into creative to start building a slightly extravagant house. What I ended up with was something quite unlike what I've done before. Horses became a goal for the future as I built up my elvish style mansion.

This was the first time I had ever endeavored to build something of this magnitude. As I built, it continued to grow far past my intentions. It took a lot of hard work. I'm sure an experienced Minecraft builder could have done a much better job. Still, I remain at awe that I for once took the time to try and expand past my previous limits. Now this world is my main one, as well as my favorite. I even got around to finding horses and creating the nice stables I wanted.

So, without further ado, here is a look at the work I'm so proud of.

PGC Round 2 Update #14

Update 14 already, huh? I didn't plan for this round to go on for quite so long. It's interesting taking it slower though. However, we're steadily getting close to the end. There will be a bit of a break and then the start of the green round! The tenth generation child of this challenge, as I've stated before, will be the spouse of the green founder. I'm not sure yet whether or not I'll continue on the Starr coloring like I have the Etael coloring for this round. Some crazy part of me actually wants to do the green coloring, the Starr coloring, and the Etael coloring all at the same time.

But that's a decision for the future, so I don't even know why I'm talking about it now. Here is Chara after her birthday. She's certainly a much better looking heir than Cancer.

She's one of those Sims who loves standing in things though.

The Wedding

With all the excitement going on recently, there's not as much time as I'd like to spend with Raradia. It's taking longer to teach her than I planned, yet there's really no helping it. Elioviel wants me to be involved in every step of her wedding planning.

I've attended the weddings of my children before, but this is the first time I've done so much to help. As it is, human weddings really aren't so different from elvish weddings. Everyone wears their best clothes with the bride wearing a fancy dress of her favorite color. Family and friends from all over gather to watch the ceremony where the groom and bride promise themselves to each other. Naturally, for elves their declaration is for all eternity instead of until death. There's a marvelous party afterwards. The main difference between the weddings is that the party lasts all night, and it's the wedding morning instead of the wedding night that the groom and bride anticipate.

The Goddess' Order 1 Year Anniversary Behind the Scenes Special!

I feel like Ellothiel right now.

Can it really have been this long already? A year has gone by? It feels as if it's taken forever, but also as if I've only just begun. It's hard to believe I'm more than halfway through the challenge. It's also a bit sad. Doing this challenge has become such a big part of my life that I don't know what I'm going to do when it ends. Another challenge, yeah, but it will never be the same. I'll never get attached to another Sim project like how I've grown attached to The Goddess' Order. It will be special. I probably won't ever be able to leave it alone. Perhaps for each anniversary, or whenever I feel like it, a bit more of Ellothiel's life will be presented to you. I'm sure I have enough creative juices left in me to always find a new story of hers to tell. I'll get lonely without her if I let her go entirely.

That's the future though. Ellothiel still has a lot more to tell you, and many more babies to give birth to. You're stuck with her and me for a little bit longer. And so, in honor of our one year anniversary, I've decided to make this post. There were many ideas I considered, none of which I will tell you in case I decide to do them later. I don't want to spoil anything. What you will be getting is a a behind the scenes look at the lovely Sims of The Goddess' Order. Things go wrong in-game more often than you would think, or otherwise the Sims are just odd. There are also some things I think would be interesting to share, but would weird to include in the storyline.

So here we go, your first look at what happens when you glance your eyes away!

100 Majesties- A 100 BC Update #2

Emmeline worked with dedication to make sure Elwood knew everything that he needed to before his birthday came around. It was nice for her to be able to break out of routine and just spend some quality time with her child at home.

There remained a constant need for money though. Emmeline rarely had any time to paint, and what paintings she did finish didn't sell for much. The trip to the park to pick flowers remained a necessity. The flowers regrew each day, and continued to provide more money than what most normal working Sims made in a day.

Emmeline enjoyed heading to the park everyday because she always saw something interesting. On this particular day, she spotted a werewolf who didn't quite grasp the concept of a rollerskating rink. He ran around in the rink like a mad while not even wearing skates.

PGC Round 2 Update #13

Since Bootes didn't have enough lifetime reward points to purchase the Fertility Treatment reward, he constantly brought his baby mama over so he could get her watching the kids' station on television. Tegmine did have the reward, and Bootes knew he would quickly be left behind if he wasn't careful.

Canis has grandma Capella's lifetime wish of reaching Physical Perfection.

Bootes, Tegmine, and Canis threw a feast party. The others thought it was because they wanted the family to be together, but the the main reason was that all the leftovers were gone and no one had learned how to cook yet. The party allowed them to fill up their fridge while they used the extra time to at least learn how to make waffles without burning them.

Winter Festival

The Goddess has to be pushing me along. When I met Ricardo Brenner and was given such another perfect opportunity that I could not pass by, I knew there had to be something going on beyond my control. I don't know if there is a certain child that the Goddess wants born or if she simply wants me to hurry up. It might be true that for right now I can afford to have this child so soon after giving birth to Noril, but this pace of continually having children one right after the other cannot be kept on for very long. I at least want to wait until this next child becomes a toddler before I press forward again.


I know I've said this before, but ada and Eloril really spoiled me with their presence. One of the things I miss most about them is their ability to deal with the thieves. Since they were able to deal with them so quickly, the alarm was able to be turned off as soon as possible. However, now I have to suffer through it until the police arrive. I keep calm, and tune out the headache I get, by reminding myself of that horrible feeling when that first robbery occurred. The alarm truly is something I'm grateful for.

PGC Round 2 Update #12

As promised, I did my best to make this update a bit more meaty to make up for the rather lackluster update last time. It didn't take me as long as I thought to get caught back up to where I was when the game crashed, and thanks to me finally getting ahead with updates for TGO again, I had more time to play this world.

Auriga was very involved with little Tegmine and Canis. I guess she was just so excited that she had her heir. She wanted to teach them everything, and it felt like every other hours she got a wish to take them on a stroll, tickle them, chat with them, and so on. It was if she didn't have Dislikes Children at all.  A bit strange, but good for Tegmine and Canis.


As I sat watching Elioviel swim, I kept waiting. Waiting to feel terrified, waiting to see my daughter be pulled under the water by some invisible force, waiting to see her gasp for air, and waiting for me to not be able to do anything to stop it. None of that happened. Elioviel swam peacefully without incident while Zuri and I watched over her.  No matter how much I anticipated the worst, the waiting for something bad to happen was the only bad thing that was happening.

Something similar can be said for Meldiron's death. Of course I'm terribly upset and saddened by his passing, but the horrible depression I was so sure I would fall into never hit. I'm still finding ways to enjoy life. Ada theorized that my resistance to the deep sadness can be likened to a callous. Now that I've experienced such a low, Meldiron's death, which was not as tragic or unnecessary as Cirabel's, won't cause that depression again because I've toughened like new skin over a wound. His words made sense, but I decided to keep waiting in case the feelings merely needed more time to sink in.

Sunset Valley

It was a relatively long trip to arrive at our new house. I knew Eloril was getting a bit frustrated with me since I would not stop glancing back towards the direction of Aurora Skies, but I simply couldn't help myself. My head shifted of my own accord before I recognized what I was doing. I knew it was time to leave there, the certainty of that almost overwhelmed me, and yet it was still very hard to leave. Much like my children back in Appaloosa Plains, my children who remain in Aurora Skies told me to go wherever I could be happy again. However, the feeling that I've somehow betrayed them lingers in my heart. I think my regret is a large part of why the chill of my grief will not depart from my skin.

Thus, it was relieving to be distracted when ada, Eloril, Elioviel, Zuri, and I all finally arrived in Sunset Valley and pulled up in front of our new house. We eagerly got out. The car we were in was spacious, but after five days of almost non-stop driving even that extra room wasn't enough. Elioviel and Zuri were the happiest amongst us to be freed. The relief grew into excitement stepping through our new front door. I had been very much in love with the open design plan since the first moment I saw the pictures. The design is mostly why I chose it.

The house somehow reminds me a lot of home, and I need to be as comfortable as possible right now into order to have a clear mind when I make a final decision as to whether I will stay or go.

PGC Round 2 Update #11

Just a little warning: this chapter might not be as interesting as some of the others. My luck finally ran out when it came to the heirs being born close together. Mesarthim got Bootes pretty quickly, but Auriga didn't have it so easily as you will see. I also had to cut this chapter a bit short for a reason I will explain at the end.

But anyway, here's a picture of Mesarthim and cute little Bootes together. I forgot to it add to the update last time. Bootes is becoming one of my favorite babies simply because of his adorable freckles.

Then Auriga gave birth to a surprise pair of triplets. I might have to reinstall the Hospital mod I have because it doesn't tell me when my females Sims are carrying multiple children like it used to. It's a little annoying. This is Nakkar though.

And his younger sister, Izar. Brendon's hair is really dominating when it comes to his grandchildren, and it is frustrating Auriga to no end.