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Behind the Scenes Special 3

It's that time again! Another folder of extra pictures has filled up! Okay, it actually filled up a long time ago. I was simply too busy to make them all into a post, but now I have the time- which is obviously why you're now seeing this. We're taking a huge leap back all the way to Sunset Valley where Sind is having a bit of trouble getting his baby boy out of his crib. Given how often Ellothiel glitches into the cribs, it's safe to say it's from her that Sind inherited the issue. He did manage to get Galir out just fine.

In the story, Nigel was pushy, threatening, crazy, and just an overall jerk. In game, not so much. He spent most of his time talking to himself or otherwise standing there scared as if he was a little kid lost in the grocery store.

I've shown examples before of Ellothiel when she gets in those moods where all she wants to do is stare with eyes wide open while having a huge grin on her face. This instance that I captured is perhaps the creepiest moment I caught of her doing this. She was technically sleeping, but she remained like this all throughout the night. Imagine waking up next to her with her staring at you like that.

No thanks.

I normally decline whatever party invitations Ellothiel receives. Most of the time I'm trying to get something done for the story, she needs to stay home to look after the toddlers and babies, or I otherwise just don't want to waste the time. Especially when I have Story Progression turned off, no one ever shows up and the parties are purely lame. I did send her to one just for the heck of it though. Like normal, there were barely any Sims there. This only interesting thing that happened was that I found Lomenia about to woohoo with this guy. This meeting of theirs actually resulted in Lomenia's second pregnancy with her twins. Ellothiel almost walked in on the two of them doing the deed, but I managed to steer her in the opposite direction just in time.

I was rather frustrated when Alphonso brought Ricochet over for the party I threw. Then I realized I didn't mind since it gave me a nice shot of Ithilas and Calun riding him. Ricochet wandered outside the house for a while, and I felt bad for the poor horse when he tried to go into the house. Obviously, he wasn't allowed. He ate one of Ellothiel's plants instead.

While the party was being thrown, someone decided to cook some macaroni and cheese for dinner. However, whoever was cooking it decided halfway through to just leave it sitting there on the stove. There were so many people in the house that everyone I tried to get to take the pot away so that the house wouldn't catch on fire couldn't even get to the stove. I thought Ellothiel might've had a chance, but...

she went into labor. As if she wasn't already in enough pain, Lueth chose to make her mother's labor even more difficult by standing inside her. Ellothiel gave birth, and still managed to get to the macaroni and cheese before it burned the place down.

Since Sind had the Insane trait, he painted a lot of interesting things that I really loved. I kept a whole bunch of them. He then went on to paint this horribly creepy picture of Mickey Mouse though. From the expression on his face as soon as he finished it, even Sind himself didn't like it. I quickly sold it without giving it a title.

In order to get Eleme to cry so I could have a picture of Nigel being a terrible parent, I had him be a terrible parent by stealing her lollipop. Even though she was so upset, I found this picture of her being upset absolutely adorable. Really, any picture of her is adorable though.

Sind really was insane. He had spent a lot of time cooped up in the house painting, so he got the Stir Crazy moodlet. I sent him to the festival to get rid of it. The way he chose to get there was ridiculous. Without changing into his outwear, he ran as fast as he could out of the house.

As soon as he reached the entrance to the park, he took out his car and drove to the other side- passing through everything as if he was a ghost.

Sind then turned into Jesus, and walked across the pond to the other side of the park where he originally was. Note that this water is not frozen.

Gift giving parties truly do drive me crazy. It's fun having everyone get together and seeing that pile of presents grow higher and higher, but the routing is so awful when everyone tries to find a seat. It's why I now get rid of all seats before I call everyone to open presents. Otherwise, they all pile around the couches making a mess of things as they try to sit down or then complain that they can't sit down. A lot of them leave the party early because of the issue, and it usually boils down to the just the main family in the household left to open all of the presents by themselves. In this case though, Lomenia stuck through the craziness to open several presents as well.

When Eleme had her birthday, she pulled off a great little photo-shoot when I was trying to get a nice picture of her. She pulled out a lot of automatic motions I had never seen before. This was my favorite from the lot.

Movie magic! Sort of! Taking this picture was when I realized I could use the little spotlights to light up the pictures that I would normally throw away as they were too dark to see anything. Having this realization opened up a lot of new ideas for me.

During the little arc when Eleme was kidnapped by Nigel, I created a separate save that I play the story out in just so I could do what I needed to without messing up the normal world. It was a good thing I did, for some crazy stuff happened. It took me several Sim days to get all the pictures I needed. By the time I was able to get everyone where I wanted for a few pictures, the day would be almost over and the sun would be about to set. It would be weird to suddenly have the strength of the light constantly changing, so I would have to wait until the next day to continue. I would teleport everyone back to the house, and let them wander about. However, it wasn't too long before I saw that Calun had the Witnessed Betrayal moodlet. I clicked on him. It was then that I saw that Griselda and Lithaldoren had just finished a round of woohoo.

Interested, I brought Sind into the room and had Griselda and Lithaldoren woohoo again to see what his reaction would be. Sind was perfectly alright with his wife sleeping with his brother. He soon went about his way as if nothing had happened. I then turned off Free Will and made everyone's needs static so nothing else would happen.

It was interesting having everyone at the house during the night. It made me feel as if all the Sims were actors playing out the part instead of actually being involved in such a situation. Which is exactly what they were actually doing, so...yeah, haha. That fact was simply more obvious doing this arc than it normally is when playing the game.

I had to retake the picture of Sind comforting Ellothiel as I had forgotten to put the walls up the first time. When I cancelled their Pose Player actions, they appeared on opposite side of the room. They then waved to each other, Ellothiel's sparkling is due to her Eye Candy moodlet. She does that after each time I move in Buy mode. It gets rather annoying.

While waiting for another night to pass so that I could continue the kidnapping plot, Lomenia invited Ellothiel over for a pool party. I sent her over, but Lomenia's house didn't even have a pool. Ellothiel chatted with her daughter for a while, but soon left as (once again) almost no one showed up and the whole thing was laaaaame.

As you can tell by the change of color of her dress, we have now entered the Twinbrook arc.

In the story, Ellothiel doesn't drive and has no desire to learn how to. In reality, she drives herself everywhere.

Not long after the family moved, this alien showed up to bounce on the trampoline. I had hoped he would show up again so I could use him for a plot, but he never came back. It was a shame as I wanted Ellothiel to have more alien babies.

Yes, I sometimes creep on my Sims while they're bathing. Don't you? Ellothiel could easily become a model for bubble bath soap. She looks pretty, and managed to place her limbs in all the right places to properly cover everything up XD

I don't know why, but towards the beginning of the family's time in Twinbrook everyone glitched out a lot when moving about the house, especially when on the stairs. Then the issue randomly went away on its own.

Ithilas rolled a wish to talk to Jade. Out of curiosity, I clicked on her picture in his relationship tab to find out that he could call her. So I had him call her. She "picked up", and the two began a conversation even though Jade was right there clearly not on the phone.

Ellothiel was in the middle of labor at this point, but one of the toddlers was doing such a great job playing on the xylophone that she couldn't help but to give a cheer despite the pain she was in.

Ellothiel pulling off a weird motion for absolutely no reason.

Poor Eleme. No one wanted to go to her graduation with her. The only one who went was Tinaldor, and that was because Eleme went and picked him up herself. She was naturally not too pleased.

When I wrote in "Bitterness" how Ellothiel, Tinaldor, and Menel had trouble getting into the bistro as it was so crowded, I was not making that up for the story's sake. It took them hours to get inside due to all the Sims who had gathered outside the doors. They were there until late into the night attempting to get their meal.

I was really confused when I opened the game one day to find out that the mailbox was sparkling. Then I remembered the sparkling meant that someone had sent a gift. However, no gift had actually been sent. The mailbox was sparkling for no reason. It got my hopes up for nothing.

I bought a a harvester for Ellothiel to use in her garden. However, it was often hard getting her into a position where there was enough space for her to use it. It also didn't work too well most of the time. I eventually sold it, and had her go back to harvesting the plants the way it was meant to be done.

I occasionally go through Ellothiel's memories to delete the stupid ones like her getting party invitations so she can remember the more important things like births and Young Adult birthdays. As I was sorting the pages, I found this strange picture for one of them. I had no idea why Ellothiel looked so weird or why the roof was coming through the room like that.

Teaching the teenagers to drive is usually a pain in the butt. I don't understand why it makes the Fun meter drop so quickly. Everyone I know had a great time learning to drive. Also, a lot of times the Sims will randomly stop the action. One will show up on one side of town, and then the other will run all the way to the other side. I can't do anything about it until the running Sim reaches their destination. Then there are cases where more unexplainable things will happen. In this instance, Nonion suddenly excited the car to be stuck half in the ground outside one of the community lots.

I had to have Ellothiel finish his lesson the next day. While driving, they came across Tinaldor (who had been recently moved out of the house) standing on the sidewalk about to get in his own car.

Bunny Curious joined him.

The two were going to one of the stores. Yes, Bunny is wearing Neo-Queen Serenity's dress from Sailor Moon. She was wearing it at that time as she was pregnant (not with Tinaldor's kid), and the dress was coded for maternity wear even though it wouldn't actually show the baby bump.

And now we enter Ellothiel's vacation arc. I gave her all the embarrassed and ashamed moodlets I could find so she would give me the embarrassed action. However, it took me a long time to get her to do it as she only wanted to look sad while doing martial arts movements instead.

My Sims really love to stand and run on top of water.

Like, they do it all the time.

Wesley: "Ohmagosh! This is so high!"

Wesley: "Nope! Nope! Not going down this death trap!"

Wesley: "Oh gosh! Okay, calm down. Just slowly back up."


Wesley: "Blublblubbblb!"

Poor guy.

Ellothiel: "Hah! Look at this guy! Swimming around in his underwear!"

I was really annoyed that the mermaids were glitched in my game. This guy, Triton something, who was supposed to be a merman showed up like this when Ellothiel and Wesley were diving. A merman was originally intended to be a large part of the arc's story. I added Triton into the household so I could control him in order to make that part of the story happen. However, as soon as I added him his panel disappeared. He was still a part of the household, but I couldn't control him at all. Every time he turned into his merman form, he only changed into his underwear instead. I moved him out since I couldn't use him.

The pose of Ellothiel having grabbed Wesley's wrist was slightly annoying to use. Whoever made the pose stretched the male skeleton so that the male would appear much taller than the female. It looked really weird having Wesley suddenly grow so much. I put him on a OMSP and lowered it. He went through the bottom of the floor. I totally expected it, and didn't think it would matter since the picture wouldn't show their feet. However, since his feet were lower than the floor the game counted him as being outside- meaning he became all dark as there was no lighting outside. I had to cheat these lights under the foundation so he could be lit up.

You can still really tell the difference in the picture though.

I thought the reason Triton glitched out was because I cheat added him to the household. I created Rico Tuttle by using CAS. Yes, he is the same Rico Tuttle who fathered Thoronton. I wanted to use him as my attempt to turn Rico into a merman failed, and I felt bad that I hadn't used him.

Everything seemed to be going fine as Rico was going through the merman transformation. Unfortunately, as soon as he became a merman his panel disappeared exactly as Triton's panel had disappeared. I faced the same issue. He was still in the household, but I couldn't interact with him. He also couldn't turn into a merman. I had to move him out, and give up on the plot involving them.

The plot was basically this: the merpeople were said to be descended from the elves, which is why you can see that I originally gave Rico elf ears. When the wars started, a group of elves supposedly fled to the sea to drown themselves so they wouldn't have to die at the hands of the humans. The Goddess then changed them into sea-people in order to save their lives. However, the new race felt so cowardly and guilty for abandoning the rest of their people as they had so they cut off connections with the normal elves. Ellothiel was supposed to have met merman Rico, and he would have been the one who saved her from drowning. Ellothiel would tell Wesley about him, but he would think he was an illusion caused by her lack of oxygen.

Wesley picture spam.

In order for Wesley to keep his tattoo and for Ellothiel to keep her memories of the vacation, I saved the vacation versions of themselves to the Library. I placed them into the household back in Twinbrook. That meant there was the pre-vacation Ellothiel and post-vacation Ellothiel in there at the same time. Of course, I had to take a picture of them together. I also had to cheat kill the old Ellothiel, and use Master Controller to give post-vacation Ellothiel all the relationships with her family members back.

I originally moved Wesley out soon after placing him in the world. It wasn't too long when I had to move him back in. Otherwise, it was ridiculously hard to include him in the story as he was always doing things like what you see above- him placing Adonnen on the ground outside the hospital after he had been born and then leaving Ellothiel to deal with the two twins while he went home.

In order to keep him out of sight, I built yet another basement room.

Poor Emethien caught on fire while inventing. She almost didn't make it to the shower. I was going to include her catching on fire in the story, but I couldn't get a good picture and it disturbed the flow of the story I was already doing.

I always get the Console and Cheer Up interactions confused. This lead to Rithranduil freaking out at Ellothiel before I realized I picked the wrong interaction. I would tell you which one I accidentally picked first, but I still have no clue which is which even though I've used both dozens of times.

Why can't they make the interactions fit together so the Sims' heads don't clip through each other? It was hard to get a good picture of Rithranduil and Nora hugging.

Sometimes the fall leaves disappear when winter starts. Sometimes they don't. When they don't, I usually bring all the males in the house outside so they can rake every spare second they don't need to work or pose for story pictures. I cheat their needs because otherwise the leaves would never get raked. Rithranduil helped out in this instance since I had momentarily moved him back in to do his reconciliation plot.

A great example of why I now get rid of all the places to sit when throwing a gift giving party. Everyone seriously just milled about trying to grab one of the seats that were already taken. Amonost was most displeased at Nonion sticking his arm through his body.

Some of the family managed to get over the routing issues. The party then continued on. Emethien was the one to pick up the last present, and this is what she received. It has become the bane of my existence. It is stuck in the family inventory. I can't place it, and I can't delete it either.

A lot of the guests left early like they normally do. However, a good portion of them decided to stand out on the porch instead of going home. All who did stand there stood there until they peed themselves. Then they went home. Free Will was on.

Twinbrook got crowded with so many children and teenagers that it got to the point where getting any of them into the school was a nightmare. Most wouldn't even get in to go to the classes even though they were trying all day. I eventually had to add another school on the other side of town to clear up the problem.

A close-up of Wesley holding Ellothiel.

And here he is officially asking her to be his girlfriend.

I grew to love Wesley much more than I had ever imagined I would. He was never supposed to have a child with Ellothiel. He was never even supposed to have been seen outside of the vacation arc. Look how that turned out. I gave him life fruits from Ellothiel's garden so I could keep him around longer too.

I thought this was a nice little coincidence. When Amonost aged up into a Young Adult, the game gave him the same shorts Wesley had been wearing during the vacation story.

I had Wesley, Amonost, and Adonnen standing in that spot trying all day to get a good picture of them. They did not want to cooperate.

It was really fun getting to do mean interactions with Ellothiel and Wesley after they had been nothing but nice to each other for so long.

Ellothiel somehow is still really pretty even when she gets mad.

Just look at that pouty face.

Uh, okay, maybe her angry face isn't always pretty.

Last picture! It's one of Ris that I really like. She truly turned out gorgeous.

That's all for now! Expect another one of these soonish as I already have another folder pretty full of extra pictures!
1 comment on "Behind the Scenes Special 3"
  1. Lol excellent chapters, I love this story and can't wait for more :)


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