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Burnt Letters

The calm pace the house had before Serith and Tirith's birth is pretty much gone. I'm running all over the place trying to keep things in order. A bit unfortunately, now a lot of the quality time I spend with Elwen, Meldiron, and Lomaraniel happens mostly at meal times. The only thing that stops me from feeling too horrible about it is that they're also very busy with their own school activities. It's not entirely my fault that we can't all be in the same place at the same time.

Meldiron and Mara love to tell me what they learn and do in school. Mara is already at the top of her class though she's just started school. She's definitely going to be a force to reckon with. Her teachers, and even the principal, have suggested to me that I spend her to a specialized, higher-style school. While they tell me this with Mara's best interest in heart, I know the best thing is for her to stay at home with the rest of us. Mara hates the idea of going to some place like a boarding school anyway.

Serith and Tirith had their birthday on the last day of winter. We really did go through the whole season without an inch of snow. Serith has my eyes, but has ash blonde hair instead of my shade. When I saw that Tirith had my hair and ears, I thought we had one more mini-me in the house. She inherited David's purple eyes instead though. She's just like Lothirien. Both Serith and Tirith are a bit skittish. They don't like loud noises or unexpected movements at all. It's hard to keep them calm with Elwen, Meldiron, and Mara running all over the place.

Teaching my baby girls hasn't been as hard as I thought though. Elwen has been willing to help me out after she gets back from school each day. I think she really wants to do something nice before she graduates. Serith and Tirith were walking in no time, with their talking and potty training not far behind. I might be able to become pregnant again much sooner than I anticipated.

Meldiron is holding up well in this house full yet again with girls. He and Mara still love playing together even though Meldiron is now a teenager. If Mara asks, he'll spend the entire afternoon and night playing on the playground with her.

It finally happened to me. With Riviel and Celadra both moving out, I thought I wouldn't have to worry anymore about being the victim of a prank. Then today I got caught by a spraying sink. I was fine when I had my guard up, but then I lowered it and ended up soaked. Of course, none of my children would admit that they had tinkered with the sink. While I actually wasn't mad and let them momentarily off the hook, I warned my children that if the pranks continued they would have to worry about my own retribution. That seemed to scare them into compliance- or so I thought at that point.

Having two teenagers in the house is just as hard as having two toddlers in the house. Elwen and Meldiron had massive mood swings on the same day, and it made for a very unpleasant atmosphere. They would bicker for a bit, go their ways and cool off, only to meet up again and get started on some almost undecipherable argument. There was very little logic behind their bickering. I eventually just gave each some money so they could get out of the house to go shopping, see a movie, hang out with friends, or whatever would stop their constant fighting.

One weekend when I went to drop Mara off to spend the time with Derrek, he told me he had a proposal for me. It was a little something he wanted me to try. He could tell just from watching me that I wanted more children. He was curious if I would consider having a child with his colleague- Mr. Norris Berthold. I can see why Derrek and Mr. Berthold are good friends. Mr. Berthold has a personality very similar to Derrek's, although he is a bit more tame. Derrek had a long-winded explanation with a lot of complicated words I didn't understand as to why his friend and I should have a child together. I knew that he basically just wants to see what a child between the two of us will turn out to look like.

I spent some time getting to know Mr. Berthold first. He's an attractive man with a calm and even-minded personality. With my twins doing so well in their learning, I didn't see any reason why not to agree. I must admit that I was also curious as to what appearance our child will have.

I was coming down the stairs one day when I had to stop and watch Mara. Though I was right in front of her, she didn't notice me. She was too busy talking to herself. I had to ask her what she was doing. She told me she was talking to her friend, Axel. I then asked her if she knew that Axel was just imaginary and not real. Mara paused, and clearly wanted to argue and say that he was real, but she agreed with me against her own opinion. I said alright and continued on my way. I suppose for now this "Axel" is alright. He will only be a problem if Mara continues this behavior as she grows.

It appears one of my children is testing my resolve of retribution. I sat down at my desk to continue working on my current novel, when all of a sudden a terrifying face and loud noise appeared and made my heart skip a good many beats. I nearly jumped out of my seat. The face was gone when I opened my eyes again a couple seconds later.

Later that day I kept subtly suggesting to my children that retribution would come come if another incident occurred. Perhaps the pranker didn't want his or her other siblings to get involved, because nothing has happened since then. However, who knows what will happen from here on. They might just be biding their time.

If they were Elwen though, then I guess the pranks are over now that she's had her birthday. Thankfully, she's begun to dress more modestly. It's a necessity for her since she's decided to become a CEO. She has to be taken seriously. It doesn't surprise me that she wants to become part of a business. Elwen has massive amounts of natural charisma, and Goddess knows just how many hours she has stood in front of a mirror practicing her speaking skills. I'm not worried about her not achieving her dreams.

On the day that I found out I was having twin boys, Goddess help me, I also received a call from a man named Mr. Wright. He was the contact Lar had spoken to, and the one who had solved my problem. It was an awful truth that he discovered. The contact who was supposed to be in charge of delivering the letters between my family and I had requested many times to be let on our side of the wall. Naturally, all his requests had been denied. He had taken revenge by burning both my letters and the letters from Eloril, ada, and naneth. Mr. Wright said the man had been fired and word was being sent to my family of the situation.

Hearing what had happened to the letters, the only bit of communication I have with my loved ones that is so precious to me, was quite upsetting. The only thing that made me feel better was that at least now a solution has been made and everything should go back to normal. I tried to call Lar to let him know his efforts have made a great difference. However, he never picks up no matter how many times I attempt to reach him. I just can't make myself believe that he is always in a place with no reception. My mind keeps wondering if he's avoiding my calls on purpose. I cannot imagine why he would, and even the idea only saddens me more.

I made myself cheer up for Serith and Tirith's birthday. It's relieving to have no babies or toddlers in the house though it's just for a little while. Serith and Tirith love playing tag outside, and David and I have worked out that they'll spend the weekends at his house. David actually asked me out on a date the first time I brought them over. I felt bad, but I had to turn him down. I did my best to explain as earnestly as I could that I just can't do a relationship, and with more twins on the way, the less things that there were to complicate my life the better. David said he understood, and not to worry.

Renduil and Rion ended up being born on a truly gorgeous spring afternoon. Now there are two sets of twins in the house, but I'm trying to remain optimistic that I won't lose my mind. I just hope that having multiples isn't a trend that's going to continue.....
1 comment on "Burnt Letters"
  1. The twin girls are are so cute and pretty - I love their hair.
    Now twin boys :D


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