Hello there, everyone!
First off, I just want to say thank you to everyone who has been reading The Goddess' Order. I never imagined when I started the story that it would shift into what it has become. It is the biggest and most intricate project I have ever begun and will complete, which is why its upcoming conclusion leaves me feeling very bittersweet. Though there's not many updates left, the ones that are coming will be full of everything you love and then some. I'll do what I can to give The Goddess' Order the ending it deserves. That's why I'm writing this notice to let you know that I will not be sticking to the same schedule I've been using for quite a while now. I tried to get the final Part 6 chapter ready for today, but there was a considerably higher amount of time and work required in order to produce the content. I'm hoping to put it out tomorrow. There is the possibility it could come out on Wednesday as well. That is because I am also working on a special little something as a tribute to all of Ellothiel's children, and this special little something needs just as much (or perhaps more) work as a written update.
In any case, expect both of those out either tomorrow or Wednesday. The schedule gets a bit more hazy after that. I still have to create an elven world for the epilogue, so that'll be a project in itself. Then there'll be actually getting the materials for the epilogue. Essentially, I don't know when I'll be able to get things out. My goal is to at least have the first chapter of the epilogue done for the 11th (UPDATE: Obviously that didn't happen. There was a whole ton of preparation like creating an entire world to use and building Ellothiel's house that sucked up my time. I now have pictures for the first post, and I've started writing. I can't give a very good estimate, but the next chapter should be out within the next several days), and my further intention is to get out at least one of the remaining updates each week following that.
Now onto the future! It is sad to talk about it, but I've planning on what I'll do after The Goddess' Order for some time now. I'll be taking a break for several weeks firstly. I want to finish up the Starr version of my Perfect Genetics Challenge so I can get that out of the way, but I otherwise will not be posting much. However, though I won't be posting, I will be working on two main things. The big one- my rainbowcy! I got into them about half a year ago or so, and I ended up coming up with a great idea for my own. The title will be Color My World, and will feature these two as the main characters for the first generation:
Their names and their relationship to each other will be a kept a secret for now |
I've actually already completely finished the prologue and first three chapters for it. I'm thoroughly enjoying the story, and I hope you all will like it too.
The second thing is a Choose Your Own Adventure. Originally, I was going to do a legacy that featured Amonost and Adonnen. I found myself drifting away from the idea after I came up with Color My World. I was honestly planning on abandoning doing anything with the twins at all. After I gave it some consideration, I came to the conclusion that I would love to do a story with them as long as it didn't involve continuing it on for another nine generations. I thusly decided to do a Choose Your Own Adventure. At the end of each chapter there will be a poll where readers can vote for what they want the characters to do next.
What it looks like at the moment is that Color My World will release every Monday while Fulfilling the Order, the name I have given the Choose Your Own Adventure, will release every other Thursday. The scaling back of updates will give me a relief seeing as how I'm now working and can't really keep up with the same schedule I have going on at the moment.
So that's where things stand at this current point in time. I again want to thank everyone who has been reading, or anyone who has recently decided to start reading whatever content I have available. It really means a lot ^^
Kelsey out!