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Winter Festival

The Goddess has to be pushing me along. When I met Ricardo Brenner and was given such another perfect opportunity that I could not pass by, I knew there had to be something going on beyond my control. I don't know if there is a certain child that the Goddess wants born or if she simply wants me to hurry up. It might be true that for right now I can afford to have this child so soon after giving birth to Noril, but this pace of continually having children one right after the other cannot be kept on for very long. I at least want to wait until this next child becomes a toddler before I press forward again.

I wouldn't be able to keep order even now if my children weren't so amazingly helpful. Elioviel and Morti have finally gotten their hormones under control, and I can actually leave the house for more than five minutes without worrying about Milmarion and Noril being ignored. Elediril is always willing to do what he can as well. He's proving to be a great big brother for Milmarion. However, Elediril says he only ever wants little brothers. I warned him that's not something I can control, and that I'm sure he can love a little sister just as much as he loves Milmarion and Noril.

It turns out I did jinx myself a little when I said it looked like variety was making its way into our household. As fate would have it, Noril is yet another child who has my three main features. I did expect it though since Saul had fair coloring of his own. He didn't have darker features to override my own.

Noril is just as smart as he is cute. He learns very quickly. This was good since I was rather pregnant by the time his birthday came around. I've also been so busy that I haven't even been able to make it to the hospital for an ultrasound. The gender of my new baby really will be a surprise this time around.

I was relieved when Milmarion had his birthday before the new baby came. Two toddlers is a good number for me to take care of. Three, however, is a little more than I would like to deal with. So far, Milmarion has become attached to the telescope outside. The winter sky is so crisp and clear here. I'm glad that my son has found something intellectual to become addicted to instead of video games and television.

My surprise baby was thankfully a beautiful baby girl. I really couldn't have taken another eleven son streak, so I'm glad the household will be just a bit more evened out now. I named my new girl Raradia. Elediril still wishes that she was a boy, but that Raradia is okay for now. I can work with 'okay'.

I definitely will be waiting longer this no matter who the Goddess tries to throw in my way. My body is exhausted from being constantly pregnant, and I need a bit of freedom or else I'll go crazy.

For Snowflake Day, we decided to spend the day at the Winter festival instead of throwing a gift giving party. The party has become rather repetitive while having the festivals again is so enticing.  It was pretty difficult for me to able to do anything though since I had to watch over Noril and Raradia, but I decided I was alright simply sipping my hot chocolate while I watched my children enjoy themselves.

Elediril and Milmarion spent most of their time on the snowboarding ramp. Seeing them fly high into the air terrified me at first, yet I calmed down as they successfully landed each jump with ease and confidence. I do have to wonder where the skill came from since this was their first time ever trying such a thing.

Elioviel was disappointed that Morti couldn't come along with us, but I was silently very glad. I like the boy, but this day was the first time in a long time where we could be together as a family without having him tagging along.

Elioviel decided to use her time learning how to ice skate. She was embarrassed by how bad she was until she realized everyone else was just as bad. Elioviel continued to slip and slide until she managed to get the hang of it.

There was a small incident though. A woman named Ms. Hatch watched Elioviel as she improved rapidly. Ms. Hatch asked my daughter if she would help her out given that she just couldn't seem to get better by herself. Elioviel agreed. She began to teach her how to spin. Despite Elioviel's warning not to go too fast too quickly, Ms. Hatch grew overconfident. She slipped and caused the two of them to fall painfully onto the ice. Thankfully, neither were badly hurt.

Ms. Hatch felt terrible and offered to watch over Noril and Raradia for me so I could spend time with my older children. She, Noril, and Raradia sat nearby while the rest of us finished the day by having an intense snowball fight. It was Milmarion and me against Elioviel and Elediril. Elioviel and Elediril put up a good fight, but by Milmarion having me on his team there was naturally no chance that we would lose.

The birthdays came all at once. Everything was stable for so long, then everything piled up so quickly my head was spinning by the time the week was over.

Elioviel's birthday came first. It wasn't as hard as I expected watching her grow up. I suppose after what happened with Cirabel and all the regrets I have, seeing my daughter grow into a happy, healthy, and beautiful woman isn't something I shouldn't take for granted anymore. It was heartwarming to have her interact with her little sister, who also had her birthday. Raradia is a cute, little version of her father. It will be no surprise when she ends up just as beautiful as her big sister one day

Then there was Elediril's birthday. He's come a long way from his "pudgy" days, as he tends to call them. He's in great physical shape, and even some of his peers come to him for help in being more motivated to be healthier. Now that Elediril is also confident with himself, his quirky personality shines through.

I expected it, but not quite so soon. The fact that Elioviel was acting suspiciously about the reasons of her delaying her moving out should have been a massive sign. That's why I was surprised, but still not surprised, when Morti came over one day only to call us over so he could propose to Elioviel in front of everyone. Elioviel eagerly said yes. The two began chatting about their plans before I could even congratulate them.

With spring right around the corner, there's going to be a wonderful wedding heading our way......
1 comment on "Winter Festival"
  1. It seems very quiet now her brother and ada have gone.
    Elediril is very handsome :)
    ohh you are getting Goth grandchildren lol


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