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I was surprised when I found myself dealing with some morning sickness this time around. The last time I experienced any was that awful pregnancy with Elrelas, Henduil, Silmalad, and Alyan. I pray that this nausea is not a sign of a large number of multiples, though I think I would have been able to tell if that was the case by now. Perhaps I'm carrying twins again. I will not know. I've decided to hold off again on finding out the gender of my child again. The excitement of being surprised at Raradia's birth has given me the patience to wait. Whether it's a boy or girl, whether it's one child or two- only at the birth will the truth be revealed.

The boys are spending more time with their fathers recently. Joseph taught Elediril how to drive since there was no way I could. I was glad to hear that Joseph has gotten on medications for whatever caused his delusions. Elediril says he still has some quirky moments, but that they are more humorous than anything.

Clint has a tendency to come over around meal times. Most people have a hard time believing Milmarion is actually his son. They sometimes say some nasty things about me in regards to me tricking Clint, but I ignore them. When Clint hears them he rebuffs them for drawing all sorts of conclusions based simply on their different skin colors. Once you push skin color aside, it's quite easy to see all their similarities. Clint and Milmarion have the same black hair, purple eyes, and facial structures. Their personalities aren't all that far off either. Both love mooching off other people. For Clint it's my food, and for Milmarion it's Noril's toys.

It's definite that Noril gets his love of videos games from Saul. If Saul isn't over here playing with Noril then Noril is at his father's house playing there. Noril is otherwise active, healthy, and getting good grades in school so I can't complain too much. However, I do wish he would spend just a little less time glued to the television.

Saul and Noril tried to get me to play with them once. It was some violent shooting game. I was instantly disgusted. Even in a fictional setting, so much casual bloodshed causes my stomach to turn. I might not have experienced the devastation of our wars with the humans firsthand, and yet I have seen the crippling pain, anger, and fear that still resides in the hearts of my people who did go through those tragedies. People can only innocently say such video games such as the one Saul and Noril were playing are only fun and games unless they have been spared the true realities of war.

I might have gone off a little too strongly though at Saul though for him letting Noril play that game. My point across however and got what I wanted for I've only seen Noril and his father play children-friendly games since.

Oh, I suppose I can't leave Ricardo and Raradia out. Raradia had her birthday, and we've been seeing a lot more of Ricardo now because of it. I think very young children aren't his most favorite thing in the world. He is more than willing to spend time with his daughter now though. They both adore art. With Ricardo's and my naneth's skills in Raradia, she could become a very talented artist if she chooses to go that route. For the moment, she just likes spending time with her daddy.

I will admit that it's difficult trying to juggle friendships with Clint, Saul, and Ricardo. Joseph and I just seem to lack the ability to make up. It doesn't help that Joseph is apparently still mad about the whole cinnamon fiasco. Anyway, it's especially hard to keep a simple friendship with Clint and Saul as they are constantly trying to get me to sleep with them again. I don't mind the struggle because I'm more glad to have them around than I am irritated with their flirtations. All of mt children are loved by their fathers. That's what matters the most. We might not be what comes to mind when someone mentions a "family", but we're a family nonetheless.

I am amazed at how high my proficiency is for fixing things now. Appliances, plumbing, electronics- you name it and I will have a decent idea of how to fix it. While it is nice to not have to call a repairman or woman every time, it's bad on my back to bend over so much when pregnant.

I had a particularly strange late night craving. I wanted my favorite salad, but I also really felt like enjoying it at the park. It was just an incredibly appealing idea. With the kids all asleep, I gave in to temptation and snuck out to the park with my meal. The place was completely empty. I realized why I wanted to go as soon as I arrived.

I was alone. I had no children to watch over. Well, there was the child inside me but that's completely different than having to keep an eye on watching three children running around like the wind. Even when Elediril, Milmarion, Noril, and Raradia are at the school the feeling I was feeling was not the same. I was away from home. I was out. Outside, out of my secure zone, out in the open, or whatever other "out" your prefer. The freedom and momentary lack of responsibility was thrilling.

The festival was official closed. However, some of the attractions were still open for usage. I decided to try to the two attractiveness rater machines just for the heck of it. I have yet to find out what the proper name for such a machine is. It turned out that I got the same score on both being one notch below the highest level. My score was passionate- that I have a beautiful body, but even then it is an insufficient vessel to carry my burning, passionate spirit. It was a vague enough reading to apply to nearly everyone, but I chose to be happy about it. The fact that I got that reading twice maybe does mean something more as well.

I was about to end my night of being out, yet the night decided it wasn't done with me yet. Morti called me to let me know that Elioviel had just given birth to triplets. With Gunther, Morti's father, recently pssing away the young couple desperately needed a pair of experienced hands. It seemed that Elioviel had the same luck as Lomaraniel.  Thankfully, both of my daughters were well off to support their children.

Elioviel and Morti now had one son, Gilberto, and two daughters, Tosha and Ashley. Elioviel did beat me in the little race I had going on inside my head. Due to the triplets needing so much care, I didn't get any sleep until very late in the early morning. If I wasn't at such a late stage of pregnancy the lack of sleep wouldn't have bothered me, but I was worn out before I knew it. Elioviel was worse than I was though. My desire to help my daughter made me push myself past what I should have.

Morti finally noticed my exhaustion and made me get some rest in the spare bedroom. Sleep took a hold of me as soon as I closed my eyes.

It turned out that I only lost the silent race to Elioviel by less than a day. I got home just as they were heading out for school. I had had the sense despite my tiredness during the night to text Elediril to let him know what was going on. I spent most of the day catching up on my sleep. It was when Elediril, Milmarion, Noril, and Raradia were having dinner that I realized the pains I was feeling were signs of another labor.

Milmarion's birthday was that evening. I had to tell my children to just go on and celebrate without me. I had to do what I had to do. In the end, I was blessed with one more daughter. Niphredil was what I chose to call her.

I was disappointed despite my happiness of having my new daughter because I missed a birthday again. As normal, Milmarion and the others told me not to worry or feel guilty. There was no way I could have helped it. I still felt bad though.

Milmarion turned into a good looking lad. I think his hormones are already jumping all over the place though. His tendency to snap at his siblings and become angry has increased a bit too quickly for my liking.

I tend to go through a nesting period shortly before each of my children is born. I wonder if that nesting phase continued on even after Niphredil was born for I got the strangest desire late at night to make everyone's favorite meal. Doing do meant I had another near sleepless night. I saw how excited Elediril, Milmarion, Noril, and Raradia were though the next morning, and I stopped caring about my tired body.

We have yet another love story blossoming inside the house. Ms. Genevieve Daigle was coming to visit a lot. I found out after she left one night that Elediril had asked her to be his girlfriend, to which she had agreed. I teased Elediril if he was going to pull a Morti and propose to her after their next birthday. Elediril laughed. No, he said. He wanted to finish high school and get out in the world first before he made any big commitments like that.

On Love Day, I went forward with my intention to continue to keep the pace of the task faster. Saul said if I was interested in having another child then he knew someone who would be willing to help. His name was Mr. Isaac Redd. I went to visit at the address Saul gave me, and my first sight of Mr. Redd was him jumping around in a puddle like a large child. 

I was glad I got to see that silly side of him for his appearance was incredibly intimidating. Saul's words were true. I think he even told Mr. Redd what I was there for because were barely talked before we got down to business. He was perfectly nice, but I just hope what I pass down to the child will soften up the intensity of the structure of what Isaac will pass down......
1 comment on "Out"
  1. Aww I hope we will get to see the little Goth triplets :)
    Its always nice to see the fathers spending time with their children :D


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