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For what felt like hours, I stood there thinking I was dreaming. I must have laid down and fallen asleep. The dream of the knocking on the door and my brother in front of me must have come on so quickly that I was now considering it reality. After all this time, why would Eloril be on my porch? Why wouldn't he have sent word before his arrival? Even as he pulled me into the tightest hug, I still could not grasp this was indeed happening. All I knew was that, dream or not, I didn't want to let him go. I'm sure he'll disappear if I do.

When the truth that Eloril really was there with me began to sink in, the two of us were able to have a bit of a proper talk. He certainly looks much different than what I remember. It's his hair I suppose- he's always changed it around. Sometimes I feel as if he's worse than a maiden. I thought he had finally found a style he liked, but I obviously was wrong. That's what the years show you. But, wait? Years? Can so many of them really have passed? It doesn't seem possible at all.

It was surprising to hear that Eloril has been searching for me all this time- ever since he returned to our parents' land and found out that I had been sent away on this task. He gathered up his things and left immediately. However, he had gotten no support from our parents or anyone else. There was no word from the Goddess saying he couldn't come join me, but ada and naneth feared he would interfere with the task. They tried their hardest to stop him.

He still departed though. Even if it meant angering them, having to do everything on his own, and not knowing where in the world I had been sent to, Eloril had left. He had to search town by town. Since he had no access to any money, and hates humans more than I ever did, he lived on the land as he was accustomed to doing. Eloril feared he would never find me.

Then he heard the Ithiennith name being used. Elves do not have last names, but the name Ithiennith has always been attached to our family. I have been using it as a temporary surname. Eloril was hearing of the works of my children- Elrunamir and Ureliel in particular. They are quite well known around here and elsewhere for their contributions. Eloril finally arrived at this town, and had just met a man that gave him directions to our house.

While it was quite clear that Eloril wanted to talk more, I told him it had been a long day. I offered him the upstairs room to spend the night. When I awoke the next morning, I admit I did brush our meeting off as a dream again. It still felt like such. Elerith, Nadrien, and I sat down for breakfast. When Eloril came downstairs, the dream illusion was shattered for good this time.

Unfortunately, my daughters and my brother did not start off with the best of meetings. Eloril looked absolutely stunned to see young children about. He didn't even move as Nadrien tugged on his arm sleeve curiously. Then Elerith and Nadrien asked him something I will never forget. They asked if he was another one of my "friends", and even worse, if he was going to be the father of their new sibling.

I was mortified, and Eloril was stunned even more speechless. We were both too eager to see them suddenly rush out the door as the school bus honked for them.

I can see why Eloril would be flustered after that. However, what he said next caught me off guard. He was shocked and upset that I actually had children. I didn't understand what he thought I would be doing after all this time. Had he expected that I would have been sitting around waiting for him to arrive and escort me back home? Apparently, that's exactly what he thought. He could not comprehend that I had stooped so low so easily.

That's where I made him stop. How could he possibly think anything I had gone through had been easy? How would I not be affected by having the task of rescuing an entire population shoved onto my shoulders? Eloril makes it seem so simple to ignore the repercussions of all of this by the way he speaks. He knows how absolute orders from the Goddess are, as well as the consequences of not seeing them through.

I told him that no matter what he thought or did, I was going to finish this task. I would not abandon my children now. He was free to stay, but if he was going to hate my children or think less of them in even the slightest way, then I would rather he leave instead.

Hurt quickly showed on Eloril's face after I said that. He would never dare to hate my children, or think less of them. Then he apologized. He's had such a hard time- trying to find me and accepting the fact that I had been forced into this task.

I let my anger leave. How awful it must have been to come home to find me gone. Not only wasn't I there, but I had been charged with such an awful fate. With Eloril always being so protective, I'm sure he felt like he failed me. He must think if he had been there when the order had been given that he could have changed it. Then who knows what challenges he faced in trying to find me. Since the only human interaction he had was asking people if they knew who I was, Eloril is nowhere near comfortable being on this side of the world. There has been no time for him to accept the reality of his surroundings.

I apologized as well. I told him I was glad he went through all the effort to come find me. Even if he couldn't stay forever, just seeing him for this little bit is all I need.

Of course, there was someone I needed to introduce him to. I called Elaril and told him I had a surprise for him. Both Eloril and Elaril weren't quite sure how to react to the other when they met. Eloril did what he was comfortable with and introduced himself properly. It is nice to see such pleasing formality after witnessing so much indecent informal actions amongst the humans. I certainly miss the refined ways of home.

After the two spent a bit more time with the other, they talked much more at ease. I could tell that Eloril was touched that I had named one of my sons after him. I wonder what he'll think when I tell him of Elrunamir, Ureliel, and Lothirien. Elaril was ecstatic as well. Neither of us either thought he would get to meet the person he was named after. They bonded quite well. It is only now that I see how alike the two actually are. Eloril also mentioned that Elaril does remind him of naneth a lot as well.

The excitement for the day wasn't over yet. It was also Elerith's birthday. To have my brother here to see an important moment in my child's life truly is a wonderful feeling. Eloril was shocked that I would let Elerith wear such revealing clothing. I did my best to explain that's just the way things are here. Letting her wear the styles of the humans here is less harmful than forcing her to wear clothes like I do. Eloril wasn't convinced, but he kept quiet after that. I can tell he's silently trying to find the same reasoning in his own mind.

Elaril had to leave after we had Elerith's birthday cake for dinner. Eloril and the girls spent the rest of the evening getting to know each other better. This day might have been a bit crazy and overwhelming, but as I head to bed this night, knowing my brother is right upstairs makes me feel the most comfortable I ever have since leaving home.....
4 comments on "Brother"
  1. aww its nice that her brother is staying - but I think he is not going to like what he will have to get used to!!

  2. I first found this story because it was a 100 Baby Challenge and I was doing one and I thought I might pick up some tips. Trying to make this challenge into a story meant you'd have to take some artistic liberties and I'm aware of that but there's certain things that aren't really justifiable. There's certain things that I find very annoying. Mostly the protagonist's attitude. She's so conceited and has this martyr complex, an air of superiority and an unjustifiable hate for humans. It really makes no sense to place her hate on them when it's the Goddess who ordered her to have 100 of their babies and they'd done nothing to warrant her ire. Just 'cause she thinks she's too good for them, she's bigotted and prejudiced, sheltered and deluded and she's unfair on every level. Hypocritical and selfish. And I doubt she even loves her kids, she's chugging them out with the efficiency of a Duggar and using them ... also like a Duggar.

    That wouldn't be so bad but you went with the one backstory that doesn't excuse it. Immortality. When your protagonist has all the time in the world, there's really no excuse for them to be popping babies like tic tacs. Especially if they pretend to care for them. One minute stressing that she's impoverished, the next catching a small financial break and having half a dozen kids on it. 'Maybe I should let my daughter stay with her dad, I barely have time or money for her... no, on second thought I'll just have another 6 kids in quick succession'.

  3. I fail to see how Ellothiel's initial hatred towards the humans is not justified. The humans led a genocide against her people. They slaughtered them without mercy for sport and to claim their land. They nearly wiped her people entirely off the face of the planet. Sure, she might not have faced that personally, but she was raised by the people who were. Why on earth would her parents or anyone else around her have a good thing to say about humans when they tried to trust anew every time they were betrayed only to be met with mindless bloodlust in the end? All Ellothiel was taught growing up was that the younger race, no matter how amicable they seem at first, will always turn into an enemy before long. Of course she's going to be sheltered and deluded. Of course it's going to take a while for her to learn how to trust and accept that she can't judge the current humans for the sins of the past. Of course she's going to feel superior in regards to them for a while. The elves never started a genocide. They live forever, their bodies are immune to illness, and their physical abilities are great compared to the humans who usually die before a century of life, are stricken down by all manner of diseases, and who can be very weak. Looking at it objectively, the elves are the superior race in all aspects, but, like I said, it takes Ellothiel some time before she sees that not everything can be measured so objectively. She does indeed grow out of her initial mindset and even starts to think that she's better off living amongst the humans for good.

    I think you're forgetting something super important. This is a 100 BABY challenge. The whole point of it is to have a constant stream of children coming. That's what people come to see, and it would have been ridiculous to make Ellothiel wait vast amounts of time between children solely because she's immortal and can wait. Besides, it took me nearly two years to complete this project. You stick to your story that long before you come here and tell me my character is conceited and neglectful to her children simply because she's not going at a snail's pace.
    Dear, I really think you need to read the story with more concentration if you're going to try and degrade my characters. It wasn't like Ellothiel knew she was going to have triplets (it was one of those random events the game decided to throw at me). She can't spend as much quality time with her children as she wants, but it's certainly not out of a lack of love. Ellothiel tries her hardest to be there for them as she also does what she can to provide for them monetarily. She even does decide to let Lothirien go live with Charlie, but it's Lothirien herself who refuses to go. Ellothiel doesn't have another child until after she wins the "Dream House" (something I purchased for her after a lot of hard work earning money and lifetime reward points), is in a more financially stable situation, and can spend the necessary amount of time with her older children.

  4. After reading that post it gave me a head ache... It's either I had been on the computer for too long, or I just lost brain-cells to how they could compare Ellothiel to the Duggar's... I mean why would they have so many children if they 1. didn't love and care for them and 2. Wait and take it slow to love and care about their children and get a bigger, better house for them...


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