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What is it like to have free time? I can't even remember what it feels like to have the smallest break. I suppose it's something similar to that one peaceful second where everything's quiet right before I slip into my nightly deep sleep brought about by exhaustion. Even with ada, Eloril, and Ortherion's help, I can barely keep up with Elrelas, Henduil, Silmalad, and Alyan. I'll be trying to teach one of them when another needs his diaper changed. I'll try to use the restroom, and all four boys will need to be fed at that exact moment. It's a constant cycle of changing jobs. Just when I begin to think everything is about to be taken care of, one more issue pops up.

I knew to expect some of this given my experience with Aravilui, Arluwen, and Amadrie, but I never realized how adding simply one more child would make the whole situation ten times harder. At least unlike the time with my triplets, I don't have worry about money or not having enough beds. The house will have just enough space to fit everyone comfortably.

What is unfortunately similar to that time long ago in Appaloosa Plains is that none of us have a lot of time to spend with Isilmar, much like how I often had to leave Lothirien to play by herself. Isilmar is remaining patient about the whole situation though. He's not complaining, at least not out loud. I remind him whenever I can of how much I love him, and that things will get better when the quads become a bit more independent. Isilmar says he know. If there's anything good to come of things being the way they are, then it's that Isilmar has become much more closer to Thurston than he probably would have if I hadn't given birth to four babies. As long as Isilmar is getting the quality attention that he needs, I can accept how things are without too much guilt.

I lasted a couple more weeks dealing with all the stressful events, but something had to give. I gave up some of my precious sleeping time to use the hot tub so that I wouldn't end up breaking. It turned out to be just the right decision. The hot, bubbling water relaxed my body, and the beautifully crisp night sky relaxed my soul. I was alone for the first time in months. I didn't have to do anything other than pamper myself.

It was thus a bit frustrating that Lar came to mind, and it was nearly impossible to push him out. We had spent so much time in the exact spot where I was, talking about deep and personal matters. I had thought our friendship was strong. That he would cut it off so easily is something that just won't ever sit right with me. The Lar I remember doesn't exist anymore though. He has to be on his last years by now.

I wasn't the only one who made good use of the hot tub recently. Mr. Santiago, the maid who replaced Mr. Grace, found better and higher paying employment. Thus, we were issued a new maid. Ms. Kesha Barclay seemed to be doing a good job at first. That's when I realized she knew I was watching her every move. As soon as I took my gaze away, her true nature came out. I looked out my window to find her skinny-dipping in the hot tub.

Instead of simply going over and reprimanding her, I sneaked outside and took her clothes while she wasn't paying attention. I kept watching her from my room. She became incredibly embarrassed when she discovered all she had to wear was the towel she brought with her. I was going to take it too, but I left it alone so that Ms. Barclay could retain some of her dignity. I also didn't want ada, Eloril, Ortherion, or Isilmar to accidentally come across her completely naked either.

I gave her her clothes back when she came inside, and then reprimanded her. I told her she had one more day to prove herself or she would be fired. I've had it with the nonsense from these maids.

A couple days after that incident, we had a visitor who we've not had for quite a long while. I woke up in the middle of the night because of movement outside. I drew back the curtains slightly to find an alien taking readings. He was wearing human clothes for some strange reason. Maybe he thought it would help him blend in, and his attempt obviously didn't work too well. All the alien did was take his readings and leave. It can't be mere coincidence that they've shown up at my house again. How do the aliens know where I am though despite the fact that we've moved? Does it mean that they're still watching my family quietly from above?

The big day finally came. My four youngest had their birthday, and I can't believe we made it to this moment. I bought two cakes- one for Elrelas and Henduil, and one for Silmalad and Alyan. Naturally, Elrelas and Henduil went first.

Silmalad and Alyan followed. While Elrelas, Henduil, and Silmalad all look rather similar once you ignore their hair and eyes colors, Alyan is the odd one out. He looks much more like Dewaine than his brothers do. I'm glad all of them have their own distinct looks and personalities though. If they were all identical, I can't imagine the chaos I would have of trying to keep them all separate. Now that I think about it actually, none of my multiples have ever been identical. They've always been fraternal. I wonder if I ever will have some who are truly alike.

We had another birthday follow soon afterwards, and that was Isilmar's. I threw a big celebration to thank him for being such a trooper while we took care of his brothers. He seemed quite shy at all of the sudden attention, but he thoroughly enjoyed himself as well. Isilmar also went to the cinema later that day to get a part-time job.

While I was visiting Dewaine, I met one of his friends who was also visiting the house. His name was Mr. Darrin Puccino. Dewaine was preoccupied playing video games with one of his other friends, so I spent a lot of time talking to Mr. Puccino. Though logic told me to wait a bit more before becoming pregnant, my heart compelled me that it was instead the best time to do so. I'm not entirely sure why my emotions pulled me so strongly in that direction. Maybe I really want to hit that 50 mark as soon as possible. Maybe I want to see if I will continue to have multiples. 

Or maybe I just want another girl in the house again. I didn't think it was possible given how much of a lead in numbers my girls had, but the boys managed to overtake them. I went ahead and slept with Darrin. I can't keep having children one after the other like I did in Monte Vista to get Pararil, but perhaps this time I won't have to.

I thought the crying of four toddlers in unison was a horrible noise, but the noise that comes from my four young sons now running about the house yelling, playing, and fighting is even worse. There was no way for me to concentrate of my writing, Ortherion couldn't practice his meditation, and Isilmar couldn't hear the music he was trying to play on his guitar. Ada and Eloril volunteered to take the boys to the park in hopes of tiring them out. I didn't think they could do it, but told them to go ahead and give it a try.

Not only did ada and Eloril prove me wrong, they exceeded my expectations. They were able to pull out almost all of the energy from Elrelas, Henduil, Silmalad, and Alyan. After they spent some time playing on the playground, the boys started a game of tag. They decided, however, that they were not going to be satisfied until both ada and Eloril were "it". Ada and Eloril were too fast for them though.  They refused to let themselves be caught until the boys were properly weary. When they all came home, my sons were practically falling asleep in the ice cream comes their orada and vede bought them.

Elrelas, Henduil, Silmalad, and Alyan took a long nap after that. They had great fun, and the rest of us got a grateful respite.

A respite from having boys is one thing I won't be getting though. The ultrasound I had revealed yet another son is growing inside me. Eloril apologized for making his deal with the Under Demon. I smiled and shook my head at him. I know I just have to be patient for the future. A daughter will come along when it's her time to be born. Besides, after all this time, I've become quite accustomed to being surrounded by males. One more won't make a difference. I'm finding ways to make the best of the situation as well. For example, this pregnancy is making me crave a lot of sweet things. I can make and eat as much pie as I want without feeling guilty or having anyone stare at me.

Speaking of pie, we celebrated Ortherion's birthday once autumn arrived, and he said he wanted pumpkin pie instead of a cake. That was more than alright with me. I was happy to take the request. We spent most of his birthday helping him move. Ortherion bought possibly the smallest apartment available in Aurora Skies. He wants to become a grand master in martial arts, so he'll have to spend a lot of time in China. Naturally, it doesn't make sense to waste a lot of money by having a bigger place here. It'll be hard having him so far away so often, but I'll support Ortherion all the same.

When my labor started, it was such a difference compared to last time. Maybe this comparison is too extreme sounding, but the labor was so much easier it was as if there was no pain at all. Little Garthon was born peacefully and comfortably into the world......
1 comment on "Tag"
  1. lmao - another boy!!
    I love how she keeps thinking about Lar :D


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