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100 Majesties- A 100 BC Update #54

Two children to look after was definitely double the trouble compared to before, but Allura once again found at good pace at which everything proceeded with relative ease. So much time was spent in the nursery teaching Bailey her skills while tending to Jane's needs. Allura had just fully gotten the hang of it all when it all changed. First, Bailey had her birthday.

Then Jane had hers.

While Allura got to work teaching more toddler skills, Bailey headed out on the town. She took a writing class to start before heading out to the lake farther away from the main part of town to do some fishing.

She did her best, and in the end she caught this little guy.

Bailey bought a bowl, food, and placed her new minnow friend she named Min Min on her nightstand.

Colder air was coming, so Allura made sure to get out of the house before the streets got buried in snow. She also invited one of her male friends, Finn Dolan, out on her little adventure. The two of them took a tour in one of the local buildings, and let's just say they slipped away from a few minutes to do their own exploring.

The snow arrived, and all Bailey wanted to do was play in it. Unfortunately, the house had little in the way of yard space. She could make a snowman or two, but there was no room for igloos or angels. That's why she trekked back to the lake whenever possible to construct all sorts of cold creations with whoever else wanted to join in.

Not everything could be happy though. It was late one night when Allura got the call that Ryleen had passed away. There were quite a few tears shed over the next several days.

However, comfort came from family. Allura was constantly on the phone with her brothers and her great-grandparents. There was also always the future in which to look forward. It was while she was trying to eat some pie that Allura realized she was pregnant with her third child.

She'd met many other men before Fintan, but he seemed insistent of coming around. Bailey was on her second snow day in a row when he popped by for a visit. He and her eldest had a good chat while Allura finished up her morning duties, and then the two adults chatted a lot themselves. Overall, it was a highly pleasant visit.

Then things got more chaotic. Allura gave birth not just to her third child, but to her fourth as well. Two human boys, Booker and Talmedge, were born. Allura thought for a bit that they were identical, but then she saw that the boys had slightly different skin tones.

It was a crazy amount of work to deal with. With Booker and Talmedge and then with Jane, Allura swore she could hear crying every second of every day.

Jane's birthday helped slow the chaos. She grew up well, and Bailey loved having her sister with her in the older children's room.

Allura could barely escape the nursery, but she decided to throw a big gift giving party when the holiday came around. She had to have fun at some point.

A large group came. Despite Allura being close friends with almost everyone, there were still a few people who were strangers. Several potions of friendship cleared that right up. Yay magic!

The party progressed smoothly, and the household got mostly good gifts. There was some coal and weird stuffed plushies in the pile though that got picked up.

Traveling to the lake was too time consuming to do on a daily basis, so Bailey and Jane thought it was better to simply fill the yard with snowmen instead.

Booker and Talmedge had their birthdays. While not identical, they did turn out to be very similar to each other. As if to make Allura's life just a tad more complicated, they also ended up with the same favorite color.

Bailey discovered her love for fishing quickly, and Jane easily found out that she loved painting.

Talmedge somehow kept ending up on the first floor even though Allura rarely brought him out of the nursery. Oh, the joys of glitchy toddlers.
1 comment on "100 Majesties- A 100 BC Update #54"
  1. :) I really like it when your multiples turn out so similar!! Especially if they have the same or similar favourite colours. Booker is my favourite so far. Too bad males can't be heirs. xD


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