With there being a rather drastic lack of green that came out in the Christmas Presents (Amaranth and Ethereal's lovely rugrats), I decided that it would be interesting to give Wisp and Prism color to see if that was where the green was hiding. I also decided to take one extra step to give Purity her color as well just to cover all the albinos we've had in the story until this point. Who got which color where was determined with a classic clip of the coin. I like to think the results are pretty good.
To make things a little more interesting, I'd love to hear any ideas anyone has for what these characters would have been called had they been born with their color.
Purity, naturally, was all blue.
She has Glacier's hair and skin (although Shell's skin color isn't that much different), and Shell's eyes.
And here was where it was confirmed that the two older Christmas Present boys were indeed hiding away the green. Wisp inherited all of Ethereal's true coloring.
It was a little disappointing he didn't get any of Glacier's blue, as blue and green is one of my favorite combinations for colorful Sims, but he takes so much after Glacier in his facial characteristics that I don't mind too much.
Prism is a true Christmas baby.
He should have Amaranth's red skin and Ethereal's green hair and eyes.
If we're lucky, perhaps Wisp or Prism or even Azure might pass down the white genes they've inherited so we can have another little post like this in the future. It really is amazing how much just changing a few colors can alter a character so drastically. Maybe I'll try a whole bunch of various colors on some favorite characters to see how they would come out. Could be quite a lot of fun!
Until next time~!
I can so see Purity (new name Ocean) being a shy girl that envies whites and wishes she was born white. I can see Shell not caring about her coz she's not white. I can see her with a white brother or sister, making her mother mentally abuse her, going on about how she should be perfect like her little brother/sister is. I know these seem like drastic changes from her character, but she was raised being told she was better than everyone else coz she was white.
I like Ocean as a blue name for Purity ^^ It fits in very well with both Glacier's and Shell's names.
ReplyDeleteThat is an interesting take on things. The place she was born, Rich Hills (essentially this world's Beverly Hills), has been mentioned a few times as having a much higher concentration of albino children as so many end up in the movie industry. A little Ocean would most definitely feel insignificant around so many white classmates, especially with her mother having that kind of personality where she wants to do all the can to move up the social ladder. I don't think Shell would mental abuse Ocean from the get-go, and I don't think it would be intentional even if Ocean did end up with a white younger sibling. I think Shell would just place ridiculous expectations on her in order for her to "catch up" to her sibling, which would be the thing to steadily whittle her down. Glacier would step in before too long though, as he would be able to see what was happening. I figure in this reality he would end up divorcing Shell a lot sooner, taking at least Ocean with him in order to escape his crazy wife.