I figure most people aren't aware of this (especially those who only follow the blog), but Eden "Deny" Yonder is a lovely Sim I have borrowed from Mystic Illusions, starguru's 100 Baby Challenge. When she also produced a Sim named Eden, I couldn't help but to color her up and stick her together with my Eden just for the fun of them sharing the same name. Seeing how the couple has only adopted in the story and not produced any biological children, I decided to play with just the two one night in a blank save to see what biological children of the couple would look like.
This is that result.
I plonked them down in a copy of Forest Sanctuary, the small world I made for the epilogue of The Goddess' Order, because it has the fastest loading/saving times of all the Worlds I have installed. With nothing and no one else in the world, there wasn't too much for Eden and Eden to do. A few interesting things did happen though. Deny, as I'll continue to call her just to avoid confusion, managed to start up a game of a chase with a raccoon, something that can't be achieved manually.
She got quite the bite when she attempted to pet the creature afterwards.
It curled up adorably outside the back archway following Deny's mad run into the house to escape.
There was a fresh helping of bread, calzones, or pizza for every meal because I couldn't be bothered to place a fridge into the lot. Deny was the one who did most of the cooking. She got pretty good, but there was one day where the two didn't eat until almost the afternoon as she suddenly started burning everything.
Deny spent most of her time reading. Eden split his time between reading and moving himself counter-clockwise throughout the house so he could stare out all the windows.
I can't blame the guy though. There are a lot of good views to be seen.
The first baby bump! A suitable outfit for both Deny's coloring and the location was luckily chosen randomly by the game.
We'll skip ahead right to the baby. Being tired and not feeling too creative, I decided to name her Apple as I figured that Eden would want to pay tribute to his father's wife as he paid tribute to his father and deceased older brother.
I sped-aged Apple up until she was a Young Adult. In terms of her facial structure, she is identical to Deny. It was an expected result as that usually tends to happen with my female Sims. Her skin ended up being a blend of Eden and Deny's that is more reminiscent of Meadow's color. Normally I would change it to be either identical to Eden's or Deny's, but since her birth isn't part of the story I chose to leave her exactly as is. Lastly, Apple got her mother's hair and her father's eye color.
Father and daughter bonded right away. It was nice to have Eden do something other than walk around the house doing absolutely nothing.
The next baby was already on its way. Eden, however, thought it was more important to clean the table than help his wife through her labor.
The baby was a boy! Feeling even less creative at this point, I dubbed him Leaf. He got his mother's skin and eyes, but his hair came out that awful greenish brown.
I flipped a coin to see which color I should change those locks to, and he ended up with Eden's darker green. With a quick edit, Leaf spruced up quite nicely.
I felt satisfied getting one girl and one boy, so I stopped there for the night. Although, I might come back to the save at some point and see what other kind of children can be acquired from this couple. For the moment though, I'll simply leave you with the .sim File links for Apple and Leaf. Note: I only edited their Everyday outfits. Fashion atrocities for the other outfits most likely await you.
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