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Playing with Colors (Men)

It's color changing time again! I thought it would be fun to take the original six, split them into their respective gender categories, and switch around theirs colors to match the other two. I was planning on including Ethereal, Sunset, and Sunflower in this post, but Ethereal's white skin was proving highly problematic to work with. Even after changing it to a normal color and resetting her, the glowing haze still appeared around her- distorting the tone of the skin. The problem would have appeared after I gave it to Sunset and Sunflower too. I gave up on the girls for the moment, and when I get back to them again I'll simply swap around Meadow's green colors instead of the white. For now, simply enjoy these new version of Amaranth, Allium, and Frost!

Just to jog your memory, here's what they look like normally.

Here they are with the first switch. Amaranth has Allium's pink and purple, Allium has Frost's blue, and Frost has Amaranth's red.

Second switch. Amaranth has Frost's blue, Allium has Amaranth's red, and Frost has Allium's pink and purple.

3 comments on "Playing with Colors (Men)"
  1. OMG they all look so weird
    And I never noticed that Frost has a beard! I only noticed it in the close up photos!

  2. Haha, don't they? (^-^) I think blue Amaranth and pink/purple Frost look pretty good though, but Allium just needs his pink and purple to look like himself.
    Yup, he's got quite the suave styling of facial hair. It goes really well with his more intellectual appearance.

  3. I really like blue Al, red Am (although blue Am is good too), and red Frost



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