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100 Majesties- A 100 BC Update #48

Ryleen, overall, didn't have much interest in making the genie that appeared from the lamp super close friends with her. Pamela walked away from Ryleen the instant she was out to plomp herself down in front of the television without saying a single word. She really liked just going about the house doing her own thing while ignoring everyone else.

Ryleen didn't care all that much, however. As long as Pamela wasn't causing problems, she could understand the genie taking advantage of her time to do whatever she wanted. Ryleen did make her first wish though just to test out the waters. She requested more money, and she was pleased with the big chunk of it she got.

What was even better was that a few days later a lovely man by the name of Nathaniel Ridgeway decided to randomly visit the house. Being an actual member of the town meant he could be changed, so Ryleen chatted him up and made sure he was good with becoming a supernatural before severely altering his life. A Witches' Brew was the next potion she had on her shelf, so Nathaniel became a wizard.

That afternoon was when Ryleen used her second wish from Pamela. That one was a wish for a bigger family. Ryleen wasn't exactly sure what wishing for a larger family would do- give her instant children or making it easier to have more children. Given the sensation that came over her after the wish was made, she figured it was the latter. Nathaniel was more than good to help with the whole thing.

Ryleen invited him to stick around for the day, and so he wandered about enjoying the house and getting to know the residents. Lydia had some sort of problem with him though. She couldn't find a nice thing to say to the man.

The next afternoon Ryleen got confirmation of a new pregnancy. She also chose to be a bit selfish and wish for money from Pamela instead of letting her be free. The older children leaving the household to go off on their own always took a decent chunk of money with them, and Ryleen knew a move was coming in the future.

When the weekend arrived, Ryleen ushered Lydia and William to get out of the house instead of doing nothing inside. Thus, they ended up at the house of their great-grandparents. Lynette was out, but Homer was around to entertain them.

With him having aged up again, he got splashed with another Fountain of Youth potion. I swear, at this point him and Lynette are going to be around until the end of the challenge. In any case, Lydia had a great time listening to Homer rant and rave while he got the bright idea to stage a protest in his own living room. Poor William, in the meantime, kept getting knocked over by the family's cat.

Ryleen was glad she had forced her children out. All Lydia did when she got home was go and sit on the bathroom tub upstairs.

Esma aged up quite cutely.

Family bonding time.

Lydia was with them for a time, but that evening was also prom. Having the Insane trait, she, too, tried to leave in her bathing suit like Norina before her, but she thankfully at least changed into something that would get her past the chaperones.

Guys, I know you like eating outside, but please eat inside when it's raining. It's not my fault you're always getting sick.

Time to see how potent that genie magic was.

Quite potent, apparently. Ryleen gave birth to another set of triplets- two boys and one girl. There's Blake, a human, Miles, a wizard, and Emily, a human.

William had his birthday.

Ryleen learned a bunch of new recipes. She tried to make some nice cobbler, but it didn't turn out very well.

William's a good helper.

As a thanks for his support, Ryleen made him some ghost chili. Esma, however, decided to have some too. The spiciness was a little too much for her. The kitchen table and surrounding chairs began to catch on fire.

The game figured that this moment, of course, was the best time to force Ryleen to have her Adult birthday. I couldn't even get a cake out for her with everything going on.

William was all good to battle the flames, and he prevented the chaos from becoming worse.
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