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100 Majesties- A 100 BC Update #47

Truly having trouble finding men suitable to aid her with the challenge, Ryleen took a whole day away from the house to visit various potentially crowded lots in order to make some progress. Not much luck was had in that department, so Ryleen let herself get distracted by watching a show going on at the restaurant the family owned.

Emmaleah and Norina also showed up for the attraction. Neither of them were into the performance.

It was hard not to blame them. All of the acts had quite a few mishaps. Ryleen's favorite turned out to be the female acrobat, but it was the elderly male acrobat who won the show.

After the event was over, it dawned on Ryleen that pretty much the only men left it town who weren't men Genevieve or herself had slept with or her male relatives were the NPCs like the proprietors and paparazzi. Ryleen had been avoiding them mostly because she couldn't turn them supernatural, but her options were few. Dominic Culver was certainly nice enough, and the two of them chatted for a long while before they found a quiet spot in the empty restaurant to lift their spirits after the luckaster performances.

Arlyle came over to visit one afternoon. He stayed for dinner, and Lydia most appreciated him helping her with her homework.

A new baby is on its way!

Poor Waverly gained the Coward trait. She walked into the nursery to play with William only to be overcome with fright at the sight of her toddler brother.

She dramatically passed out.

Little William wasn't quite sure what was going on.

When Waverly recovered, I sent her to bed a bit early than normal to get some good sleep. She went to get William out of his crib the next morning, and she thankfully had moved past the fact that he was a ghost.

Then there was a big event later that day. The triplets had their birthday, and of course I couldn't helpful from dressing them up like I did before. When there's so many children to keep track of, it was makes it way easier if I can quickly identify them by what they're wearing.

Three girls departed, and one girl arrived. Ryleen gave birth to a human daughter she named Esma.

Lydia liked that the house wasn't filled to the bursting anymore, but the quietness of no longer having Renity, Nataliya, and Waverly around did get to her in the silent mornings before school.

However, she soon had a new companion to keep her company. William became a child.

I got rid of the rock climbing wall near the front of the house and placed down a telescope instead. William instantly took to it, although he wasn't able to find any new stars.

Cutie Esma had her birthday. It pleased me that her favorite color turned out to be black just like Lydia's is black. I named her, Lydia, and Waverly after the three Boyle's from Dishonored, and the three of them all ended up with favorite colors that matched the three colors the Boyle women can wear in the game- red, white, or black.

And here's Lydia, our newest teenager in the house.

Both she and William had a wish to go to the graveyard during a full moon, so Ryleen escorted them down there the next evening. They all got freaked out by the ghosts, even William, before they spent the majority of the night exploring the catacombs. They all lasted a long time, and they all found some nifty stuff. Most of that stuff was seeds and expensive books.

William, though, he found something special. Ryleen gave the object a look over the next day while Lydia and him were at school.

She had no idea what was happening.

The household now had a temporary genie friend, Pamela Snodgrass.
2 comments on "100 Majesties- A 100 BC Update #47"
  1. Lol, Snodgrass?? What an interesting last name! Too bad Pamela wasn't a Pablo (Male instead of Female)

    Oh my! Lydia grew to be a lil long in the face! Hopefully she grows into it... Teenagers always get wonky faces. (At least in my experience)

  2. I've had that name pop up a few times in my posts now XD It got selected as a random last name for one of my characters in The Goddess' Order, it was actually the last name of Renity's, Nataliya's, and Waverly's father, and now the genie has it.
    I was a little disappointed the genie was female, but she was still fun to have around because I've never played with a genie bound to a lamp before.

    I don't think her hairstyle helps. That one in particular always rests a bit too far up on the head.


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