My mind was spinning when I woke up. Not because I had been sedated, but because there was so much for me to take in. I saw many things that I knew the words for but had never actually seen myself. I was lying in the back seat of a "car", and we were parked on the side of a dirt "road." I could see a bunch of tall buildings in the distance. I promptly woke up Eden, who was napping in the front seat, and excitedly asked about them. He thankfully wasn't annoyed and explained that we were close to the place where we would be living- Berrybrook County. All I had to do was get changed, and we could head to our new home. Apparently, Eden had met with one of his "friends" while I had been sleeping. He had brought me some green clothes and lunch for the both of us. I changed quickly for I was starving. Eden and I sat out in the field near where we were parked to eat the spaghetti and meatballs. It was strange to be the same color as the grass. The change was going to take quite a while to get used to, and I hoped I would never have to have another injection. I liked Eden being green. I didn't like me being green.
However, I soon forgot about that. Eden let me sit in the front seat of the car while we drove into Berrybrook County. I had never had such a thrill before! To have the world zooming by me was a sensation impossible for me to have ever imagined on my own. I was so enthralled by the drive that it took us reaching Berrybrook for me to start paying attention to what was outside the window. Eden explained that it was half a city and half a town. Our house was on the town side. I didn't listen to him very much. The television truly didn't do justice in showing what the outside world was actually like. My heart began to beat fast again though. There were so many people around. It was knowing I was going to be surrounded by a lot of them that was the source of my continued anxiety.
It was awe, amazement, and excitement that my heart then began to beat with. Eden slowed the car and pulled us into our driveway. Our driveway that was at our house. Our house. It was just too much to believe. I jumped out of the car before Eden could turn to look at me. I had only seen the other houses we had passed coming in, but I quickly decided the one in front of me was the most perfect one of all. I began to understand why Eden had gotten upset with me all those times I said I didn't care about the outside world. Now that I was in it, I could never live in isolation again.