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Vampire Coven ~Post Collection #3~

     “Well, Brannon Weldon,” he retorted smugly, “I am Eldon Vorigan, Elder of the coven in this area.”
     “Yeah, so I figured when word got around the sleeping vampires had finally woken up. We did know you were there. Just couldn’t get to you. And I didn’t realize you could call yourself an Elder when your ‘coven’ consists of no one but you and your wife.”
     “You said you came here to talk, or do you truly only desire to attempt to insult me?”
     “Just wanted to make sure you remembered the laws you have to follow. I’m not happy about your return, but your kind isn’t the lone one who follows tradition. We’ll leave you be as long as you don’t step out of line.”
     “Ah, yes, the guidelines your ancestors and my people agreed upon in our pact of peace. Do not fear. My wife and I remember them well. We are leaving the humans we feed on quite unharmed, and their memories are altered as necessary. For the most part. There was a single man who had to give a whole donation, but one such meal is well within the limits we promised to not break.”

Coal the Cop

It's been a bit since I've posted some CMW related stuff, so I thought I would remedy that. The 3rd Generation is still a ways off, although I have been working a little on getting the most important factors prepared- the families, lots, and etc. Depending on how that work goes and how spoilery it is, I might preview something now and again. For now though, here's some shots of an AU of CMW, a CMW where Coal got to be a cop. The story would have remained the same save for Buckeye not injuring Coal's eye.

100 Majesties- A 100 BC Update #57

The household woke up to some sad news. Fintan had passed away during the night, leaving poor Tim quite upset at the loss of his father. Allura comforted him as best as she could, but some things just have to be cried out.