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A Few Notes About CMW G2 (Small Spoilers)

I just wanted to mention a few tiny things now that Chapter One for 2nd Gen has finally come out. It's not anything super big, but I would recommend you read the chapter first to avoid having some of the mystery of the new characters spoiled for you.

1) Cerise's name is French for cherry. Thus, the C is soft. Essentially, Cerise=Sherise and Ceri=Sheri
2) Prism's nickname of Pris is pronounced Priz, not Priss. And, yes, he came out white on his own.
3) The outfits for all the characters are now static. It was too much chaos changing everyone's outfits for every chapter in Gen 1. While I do like the extra touch of the variation in wardrobes, I need to retain my sanity for writing instead XD

Aaaand, that's all! Hope you enjoy Chapter One!
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