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100 Majesties- A 100 BC Update #15

With Hunter and Sage giving Ella Lynette and Gwendolyn, that meant there was one Sage brother left for Ella to try getting a nice, green baby from. She took a walk about town, but eventually found that Malachite was simply chilling out in his house. Despite the fact that he was in a relationship, Malachite was incredibly receptive to Ella's advances.

However, the poor guy didn't realize there was a price for getting swayed by her. Ella's flirting expression soon shifted into a mischievous one. She pulled out a potion from nowhere to splash at Malachite's feet. He tried to jump away, but the elixir was already doing its work.

That potion changed him radically. It not only turned his skin from green to blue, but it also turned him into a genie! Malachite was annoyed for a moment...until he realized that having powers was pretty sweet indeed. He was still willing to get it on, but with the hour growing late Ella to retreat for the moment.

The family took a trip to the park to get out of the house. It was snowy, cold, and growing dark, but that wasn't going to stop them.

Who happened to show up though? Malachite, of course. He walked over to talk to Ella, but she had already set her sights on another man- Tyrian Thistle, another Berry Sim I placed into the world. It was easy to see from the toddler in his arms that he, like Malachite, already had a woman. But, when had that stopped Ella before? She simply built a friendship with Tyrian, because Malachite was still first in line to assist her with that.

The snowy days flew by much like the snow constantly did. The passing of time brought along Ella's birthday.

Hers wasn't the other birthday to come. Gwendolyn had hers too. The wisps of hair on her head that I had thought were light green were actually the ash blonde color that the game sometimes gives randomly to Sims. Given her light blue eyes and pale skin, Gwendolyn had an entirely different appearance from her father.

Then it was birthday time for Ella's second set of triplets. Madeline, Cecil, and Luther all aged up well. It was hard for Ella to believe her children were all getting so old. It made her start wondering if it was time to consider contemplating finishing up with her child-bearing.

I accidentally put Cecil and Luther in the wrong order here. The two boys should be switched around.

Despite Luther doing well in school, he wasn't always the brightest. The children knew what would be going down when Ella had a man in her room. However, Luther decided to walk in right as Ella and Malachite were settling down to finally finish their deal. Ella had to hurriedly rush her son out of the room.

She and Malachite were then able to enjoy themselves comfortably. It was nice to see that Malachite had still retained his green hair.

Lynette had her birthday and became a child. As cute as ever and getting a good trait, she remained Ella's top pick to carry on the family challenge. Lynette wasn't too bothered at the prospect of being the heir. She simply enjoyed stuffing her face with spaghetti, a habit that bothered Ella greatly considering her daughter's clothes were all entirely white.

Cedric was getting in trouble with Ella. I believe he was trying to skip school.

Ella was never able to get mad at Lynette. Even when Lynette fairy pranked her and pestered her in her fairy form, Ella always laughed it off.

The children finally decided to start using the dining tables to do their homework instead of sitting on the floor by the door. This allowed the fours teens to put their heads together to get the work done as fast as possible.

Cedric was attached to little Gwendolyn like no other. He used his extra free time after completing his homework at record speed to go play with her in the nursery. He also helped her to learn her skills. The two were as close as could be.

Ella had an off morning. She went to make some waffles after the older children left for school because they had made the leftovers vanish, but she must not have been paying attention very closely because the waffles burned. It was rather embarrassing for her given how high her cooking skill level was.

Luther really had his fair share of off moments. He thought the sky darkening with more snow meant it would create the perfect atmosphere to tell a ghost story. He got out a flashlight and began the tale, but absolutely no one was interested in listening. For whatever reason, he continued the story anyway.

Ella got her wish for having a colorful baby. She gave birth to a single baby girl whom she named Melinda. Her new daughter inherited Malachite's original green skin. Instead of getting his hair or her brown hair, Melinda inherited Tyler's wacky pink, blue, and yellow hair. She also turned out to be a genie. What an interesting child!

Melinda's birth meant enough had passed for there to be one more birthday in the house. This time, that birthday belonged to Cedric. He grew into a fine young man and took his leave from the main household.
3 comments on "100 Majesties- A 100 BC Update #15"
  1. Gwendolyn is so adorable!! Ermahgosh, she's my favourite out of the whole challenge so far. Melinda is going to be one interesting sim, personality and appearance wise!


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