The Starr family is settling into their new house pretty well. I love that the master bedroom is right across the hall from the big nursery, as well as the fact that there are plenty of bathrooms. A good number of bathrooms is always a must for me when I play as a big family. I have a strict schedule for who uses them when- such as children taking Submarine Adventures in the morning to max their hygiene and fun levels before school starts, and then teens taking showers at night. If there's not enough baths and showers to fit that schedule then I get pretty antsy.
There are only two main downsides the house has. First is that it's so far away from everything else. It's a real effort to get my Sims anywhere. The second is that it's hard to see my Sims from certain angles because there's so many objects (staircases, bookshelves, etc.) blocking my way. I have to continually rotate the camera or have it tilted much more than I like to see what's going on.
Anyway, Andromeda has been doing well. Since the household isn't so crowded yet I haven't send her away to boarding school right off the bat. She has made quite a lot of friends. Here she is trying to get her homework done with Debbie Coker.