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PGC Update #4

And we're back here again! Let's get caught up a little bit, shall we? Something I neglected to mention last time was that I moved Laveah, Van, and Cielah out of the house to start afresh. Amesis and Tirin had a day or so of quiet before it was found out that Tirin was pregnant. We left off with her about to give birth to her first child.

This post will be more like my second update than my third. The first week of my junior year of college hasn't been bad, but I didn't really feel like taking a lot of screenshots this time around. Also, I don't think I can churn out another long post right now. Next time I'll probably do something more like my third update since I'll have a little more time to play because of the weekend.

So to be simple things here are the children born of Amesis and Tirin. The pictures aren't obviously in chronological order. It was just easier to do it this way. The pictures contain each child from toddler age to teen.

The first child is a boy named Eslaar. He's got the hair, but not the eyes.

Next up is Hari, and she's heir material! She's named after Kohari, who passed away while Tirin was pregnant with her.

However, I didn't want to stop with Hari. With both Amesis and Tirin having their heir requirements, I wanted to see how a couple more children would come out. So, next up is Niran. She turned out to be an heir potential as well.

I wanted to try for just one more child at this point, but the game had a different idea. It gave me twins (note: neither Amesis nor Tirin had the fertility treatment reward). The older twin is Rhakea. She's the only child to not inherit the purple hair. The younger twin is Anorel, who is also an heir.

Even though I only originally wanted one more child, and I ended up with two.However, I just couldn't help myself after they were born ><

Tirin is a trooper. She's got the Family-Oriented trait, so she really wanted all the children anyway. The final child was born- a boy named Ikahot.

I didn't manage to get a picture of him as a teen
Did I regret having so many children when I didn't have to? Yes. Oh boy, yes. However, like I said, I just couldn't stop myself. There was just something about Amesis and Tirin that made me want to see them push those babies out. Next time I'll learn to restrain myself.

Since Tirin was busy taking care of the garden most of the day (which is where the family makes most of their money from), Amesis was in charge of taking care of the toddlers. Although he complained a lot, I think he rather enjoyed it.

Of course, during all the time that passed Laveah and Van died. I changed up the backyard graveyard somewhat. From left to right: Kieh, Brett, Ruan, Kohari, Laveah, and Van. Even though there's a big backyard, I'm thinking I'll eventually have to build an actual private graveyard for the family. Otherwise, the house is going to be swamped with ghosts.

So with three heir potentials to choose from, who did I eventually pick? I actually didn't have to struggle too hard with the choice. Niran had been my favorite ever since she was born, so I've chosen her as heir. She'll be the 5th generation leader. Halfway done! Wait, only halfway done?


Oh goodness.

Anyway, let's get to the more interesting portion of this post. I decided to take a bit of a different route with Niran. Having moved the rest of the younger siblings out with the ones who had become adults, I now had a more manageable household with only Amesis, Tirin, and Niran.

Since she had aged up to Teen, Niran had been in love with a boy she's has know since their elementary days. His name is Willard Benton. Niran stayed over at his house one night, and since Prom was coming up, she asked him to be her date. He said yes of course, and the two of them started to get into the mood.

 They started some innocent cuddling,

and then it turned not so innocent.

The two didn't think anything of it at the time, but some time passed and Niran continued to feel nauseous.

 She started to get suspicious. Then one night after waking up to throw up again, she couldn't take it anymore. Niran took a quick drive to the store and bought a pregnancy test. It came up positive.

Niran was excited for a moment, but then she realized she now had to tell her parents the news. She ran into Amesis first the next morning, and kind of blurted the truth out at him. Niran didn't expect him to get so furious with her.

Feeling a lot worse now, Niran went to her mother to reveal her condition and hopefully find some comfort. Tirin supported her daughter of course.

Not going to allow Amesis to be a jerk to their child, Tirin went over and quickly set him straight.

Amesis calmed down, and went to apologize to Niran. The two made up.

Niran was able to attend Prom still, and she and Willard had a great time. Niran was even elected Prom Queen! But eventually the big event came, and Tirin was taken to the hospital by her parents. The gender of the child was to be a surprise, but it wasn't so surprising when Niran gave birth to a girl. Female children seem to be the majority in the Etael family. Niran named her daughter Taeh. Although a lot of challenges face her as a teenage mom, Niran loves her daughter very much.

(Until the fateful moment comes when Niran ages up and gains the Dislike Children trait)

Next update will be soon!
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