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French Class Audio Tracks and Pottermore Update

I think it's really pretty cool when educators, especially those in the textbook business, realize that studying gets boring after awhile and then they take the time to place little things here and there to send a laugh your way. I wasn't really my textbook at this particular moment, but I was on the Deux Mondes (my French textbook) website. I was accessing the audio tracks for an activity in the workbook that I had to do. I restarted my French instruction because I felt as if I hadn't retained enough of the basics, and so I was able to easily understand the conversation between the characters without really having to look at the clues on the workbook page. The audio track was finishing and the characters said something that made me burst out laughing. I had been planning on going onto the next activity, but I had to stop and replay the last bit of the audio track a couple times before I was able to move on. You can access the track here, and skip ahead to the last 10-15 seconds to get to where I'm talking about:

Jacqueline and Louis

For those who don't know French, here's the basic situation. Jacqueline and Louis had been talking about their classmates and were describing what they were wearing. They look at their teacher, Mrs. Martin, and diss her ugly, gray dress. Then here's where I started to laugh. Jaqueline then realizes Mrs. Martin is coming towards them and says:

"S**t! There's Mrs. Martin!"

Mrs. Martin arrives, says hello, and then asks them how they are doing.

It's a simple little thing that was added, but it lifted my spirits and made me forget I was doing homework. I've got a long way to go in French and especially with the Deux Mondes textbooks, workbooks, and audio tracks, and I'm hoping they keep up those little funny moments.

On a side note, I've finally gotten access into Pottermore, so I'll be posting about that soon!
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