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New Series on Tapas!

 Hello, everyone!

It's been quiet for a while, but I've been hard at work these past few months. That's due to my work on the new story I've prepared to host on Tapas, Kingdom of Sun. I've been writing it for over a year and a half now, and it's finally ready to go live. If you enjoy fantasy or reincarnation stories, please give it a go. It would mean the world to have you give it a look over and possibly a subscription. My hope is to one day have it be chosen for a premium story on Tapas. That would allow me to get paid for it and even more hopefully switch to writing as my full-time career. Such would likely lead to me having more time to work on CMW! Now that Kingdom of Sun is being released, it is my goal to shift more of my attention back this way and resume updates here as soon as possible. Thank you as always for your support.

Check out the story here!

Cover art by Line