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100 Majesties- A 100 BC Update #27

Needing something to do to break up the monotony of her days, Lynette realized the household had plenty of funds to purchase a decent size public lot. She almost went with gaining control of a store, but she decided in the end to take the park lot in the upper east corner of the world. It would be simple enough to add a few things to get it to a 3 star level. However, there was one issue that drove Lynette crazy- the entire lot was still covered in leaves even during summer. The whole world continued to be covered in leaves, in fact. That finally drove a certain someone crazy enough to turn off the fall season entirely, and Lynette began raking to start taking care of the mess.

It wouldn't be long before Evalerie's birthday, but it was clear the toddler needed a bit more education before that day came. The positioning of herself to her toy was a little off.

That problem was addressed, and a few more rising and fallings of the sun brought about an afternoon full of birthdays. Lynette threw a party for her children, and the house grew crowded with bodies. Instead of going from oldest to youngest as usual, the opposite route was taken.

That meant Katarinda went first. It was safe to say she inherited most of her looks from her father.

Evalerie's turn at the cake followed, and she eagerly joined in the cheering when it was Fletchel's turn after her.

Fletchel aged up well too.

The last one to go was Kylar. He stuck around to hang out with his younger siblings just a bit more before he departed from the household.

How rude. During the night, an alien visitor appeared and let herself into the house without being invited. She wandered about scanning everything with her fancy technology.

Even though she would live long enough to complete the challenge by herself, Lynette knew it was better to let her children continue the task as it was meant to be. Having ten sons and daughters meant it was time to start considering ending her childbearing days as well as choosing an heir to keep tradition. Lynette took to traveling across town to be more picky with her men this time. She bumped into Tuckery again, and she talked with him for a while as she waited for a suitable man to arrive at the park. No one meeting her standards came, so she was forced to move to the next location.

The art museum did technically have a man there, but it really wasn't helpful to her like what Lynette needed. She let some time pass. The place remained dead and empty. Next location.

A bit of time was spent at the lobby of the following location. Lynette got her hopes up when almost immediately a man followed her into the building, but he once again lacked where Lynette needed excellence. More waiting produced what it had been producing so far. Nothing.

At that point, it was getting later in the day. The sunlight was fading, as was Lynette's optimism that she would make results. Two bars were dead empty, yet the third did prove to have the charm. Several people milled about. One man busied himself at the bar. He was older than what she went for, but something about Devon Brunson caught her attention. It was difficult to say for sure, but Lynette had a feeling age hide what could be the looks she required.

It was a good thing, then, that Lynette had a well stocked inventory of various potions. One of those happened to be one that revered aging, and Devon was certainly not against giving himself more time to live. The potion proved Lynette's shallow suspicions correct. The man at the bar had a good looking face.

She took a potion herself- this one encouraging conception and multiples.

The nearby photo booth took care of the rest.

While this was all going on, Lark and Fletchel spent their evening at prom. Neither was crowned king, but Lark came home beaming from having gotten his first kiss and first girlfriend. Poor Fletchel had simply gotten in some fights and got turned down to dance by his crush.

Raking the whole park lot was simply too much for one woman, so Lynette promised her children a great meal out that Saturday if they assisted with clearing the place. The four of them each took a corner and worked their way in.

Despite going at it all day, leaves remained on the ground by the time dinner rolled up. A great dinner and dessert was devoured, the bulging of a new pregnancy revealed itself perfectly right as the family departed the building in order to head home.

A bit more raking was completed on Sunday, but the majority of the day was spent celebrating. It was Lark's birthday. He graduated with good grades from school, found at job at the bookstore, and moved to a nice place closer to the beach.

His birthday also marked a shift in the seasons, which was more drastic this time around given the abrupt change from warm summer to cold winter. So much snow accumulated the there was a snow day. Fletchel spent the majority of his time playing with Katarinda in the nursery.

Evalerie did her best at beating the high score on the whack-a-gnome machine. It didn't go very well for her.

With that not providing satisfactory entertainment, Evalerie thought it was better to freeze herself playing pretend in too light clothes out on the heavily snowy upper terrace.

Lynette would have noticed and stopped her, but more pressing issues were at hand. Babies were coming, and her father's coloring was finally beginning to pass down to her children. Lynette gave birth to twin girls. The first, Clara, was a human.

Her younger sister, Elsie, was a fairy.
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