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Color My World Short Story #7

A sigh went around the table as Sunflower pulled out one of her favorite responses for our game of 'Never Have I Ever' we were playing. The rest of us hated it seeing as how she used it each time without fail, and it got all four of us to instantly drop a finger.

     "I feel like you just like rubbing it in- you never having gotten a cavity before." Allium pouted.

He was now tied for last pace with Amaranth. They each had one finger in the game. Unluckily for Amaranth, it was Allium's turn next. Allium could easily get him out if he thought of something good. It wasn't too difficult for any of us to know exactly what to say to screw over everyone else. We knew each other too well. Here we sat around the dining room table in my parents' house that now belonged to my sister just like we had in the old days. I was house sitting while she and her family were off on vacation. Why Ice couldn't understand why I hadn't wanted the house permanently was beyond me. Everyone else in my family thought nothing of the days when it was down in the single digits and we still had to get on our boat to get off our little island. Doing grocery shopping, getting new furniture on and old furniture off, needing to go to work or school when it was storming with thunder and lightning could it be anything else but a major pain in the ass?

D&D Characters

In the past, I tried writing up some story summaries of Dungeons & Dragon campaigns I've been a part of. I stopped doing them because as soon as I got one written up it seemed like the campaign would start falling apart the very next week due to schedule conflicts or other people no longer being interested in playing that campaign XD I've got quite the collection of characters at this point, and I adore them all. I'd like to share them still in some way, so I found this really nice avatar maker here. With it, I've made all of my characters save for one, who can't be made with that maker as she's a dragon. Below is the rest of my collections of lovelies (^^) They're listed in the general order of their creation.

Color My World Short Story #6

Amaranth was the most adorable thing ever.

     "Are you having fun?"

I had asked him that question, and now he beamed up at me the most ecstatic smile I had seen from him yet. Coal teased me often that our son turned my heart to mush, as it did his, and not once had I ever been able to deny that. But, why would I want to deny it? I needed my heart softened each and every day. Work was becoming unbearable.

It had been almost a year since the chaos now. A year since a collection of idiots in our lower ranks decided to band together to undermine and steal from another group that we had momentarily allied ourselves with for a massive project. Not only had the idiots been caught breaking the formed contract, they had framed too much on people Amaranth would now never know- his grandparents. My parents were gone. Coal's parents were gone. The traitors had been weeded out and handed their punishments, but things remained a mess. Coal and I, though we had nothing to do with the project, had targets on our backs from our former allies still wanting retribution for how badly the deception screwed them over. They wouldn't try to take our lives, that would cause too much suspicion from our families, but they could find other ways to hurt stealing away my little boy still grinning up at me. My little boy who blessedly helped me forget for those precious few moments that I was different from everyone else around me.

Gen Three Mermaids

In an update I posted a while back, I created Amaranth and Ethereal's family as mermaids. I decided to do the same with Coal and Holly and their little collection of kidlets. I went ahead and made them all adults just so they could have the better customization.

Color My World Short Story #5

Although I was expecting it at some point that afternoon, the knock on the front door still made my heart skip a bit in surprise. I welcomed the jolt, however. Fridays had become my favorite day for the reason of who would be standing on the other side of the door. It turned out that that Friday I received an extra piece of joy.

     "Charming!" I remarked at my friend's presence with glee when he walked in with Amaranth, "I didn't know you would be coming home this weekend. I thought you were going to be studying for that test retake."
     "I worked hard throughout the week, and I got my professor to let me take it this morning. I passed with flying colors, so I was able to catch a ride down with Am." Allium explained, pulling me into a tight hug before stepping back and beaming widely.
     "That's really good to hear. I'm glad you're holding up well with such a difficult class. I appreciate the hard work as well. What's it been? A month and a half since you've had time to visit?"
     "Something like that. Too damn long." Allium chuckled.
     "That's why he had me bring him along here first as well instead of taking him home. His mom told us you were looking after Hunter right now." Amaranth joined in.
     "Yeah. It's Eden's turn to take Button to the vet while I babysit, and Rose and Jac are off on a date," I explained, "The boys are over in my study area. We just came in from playing outside in the snow."
     "If you'll excuse me then..." Allium said merrily.

Couple Song for the Christmas Couple

Contains spoilers for Gen One through Three

Color My World Short Story #4

As we found our way upstairs and into Eden's room, I found myself drawn to the corner. There was that curiosity to explore what hadn't been seen before. It wasn't that I hadn't been in here previously, but there simply hadn't been many reasons to come in. Eden had only invited me in one other time, and that had been years and years ago when the pictures in the corner hadn't been there.

     "Meadow was so adorable when she was younger." I cooed.
     "Wasn't she?" Eden smiled.

He placed down his bags of stuff. With Allium, Meadow, and their friends off enjoying their weekend, Eden and I had done some shopping after our book club finished its meeting.

     "Who took the pictures?" I asked
     "I did."
     "You know, you've shown me pictures of her at this age before. I really haven't seen photos of her at any other age though past the ones you have from when you moved here."
     "That's because there are none," Eden sighed, "The only pictures that exist of her besides the ones taken here were all taken by me. It wasn't long after these pictures here that my adult life really got moving. I visited my parents and Meadow occasionally, but I stopped having the urge to take photos of her. It really didn't cross my mind. If I had know then that my parents couldn't be bothered to capture anything of her life, I would have acted differently. However, I didn't know."