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100 Majesties- A 100 BC Update #29

Lynette finally found time to work on the park once more. The enjoyable spring weather made it easy to spend most of the afternoon out in the warm sun and comfortable wind.

100 Majesties- A 100 BC Update #28

Katarinda had her birthday, and she instantly took advantage of the empty bedroom to play with the dollhouse.

Tales of Lerathian: The Puppet (Prologue) (Revised 2016)

Quite a while ago now, I posted the prologue, first chapter, and several excerpts from later chapters of the novel I've steadily been working on over the years. It came time to start working on the more cohesive second draft this November for NaNoWriMo, and the revised prologue is now completed. There are always more things in it that can use improvement, but I feel it is a step up from the original. If nothing else, it more accurately represents the character and plot lines now that I've had the time to develop both while writing the first draft. Take a read of the new version, check out the old, and let me know what you think.

Color My World Short Story #3- Part One

I don't know how she always knew. Ethereal could say about four words. It was difficult to gather at this stage exactly how many she understood, and she naturally had no idea how to read a clock. That latter bit didn't matter so much as there was no clock in the room to begin with. Thus, it was difficult enough for me to keep track of time and when I was meant to leave. How she somehow understood when I was about to take off each and every single day boggled me. Was there a certain expression that came over my face? Did the inflection in my voice change? Perhaps Ethereal had the ability to read minds? With me being as exhausted as I was in that moment, they all felt like plausible answers to my confusion.

And what a problem I had on my hands. My dear little sister wore that immense pout on her face, and it let me know what was coming the second I spoke or tried to put her down.

100 Majesties- A 100 BC Update #27

Needing something to do to break up the monotony of her days, Lynette realized the household had plenty of funds to purchase a decent size public lot. She almost went with gaining control of a store, but she decided in the end to take the park lot in the upper east corner of the world. It would be simple enough to add a few things to get it to a 3 star level. However, there was one issue that drove Lynette crazy- the entire lot was still covered in leaves even during summer. The whole world continued to be covered in leaves, in fact. That finally drove a certain someone crazy enough to turn off the fall season entirely, and Lynette began raking to start taking care of the mess.

D&D 5E Campaign Diary C #2

       Lyall Blakely- Male Half Elven Fighter
       Bayram Tuccar- MtF Human Bard
       Bane- Female Tiefling Fighter
       Blue Maelstrom- Male Dragonborn Fighter
       Luca- Male Halfling Monk

     Upon noticing that the blue blood spilling out from the deceased Mathus' wounds are clearly unusual, the substance is put under greater scrutiny. The group is able to determine that the blood has been tainted by something, but they're not entirely sure from what. A few return upstairs to try and gather more from the scene. The curtains on the window are torn and an oil lamp fell from its usual position, but everything else is otherwise untouched. Nothing was stolen, and there is no indication of a motive for the attack.
     Unsure of what to do, the investigation is then interrupted by the Gullcrest guards. They state that it was kind for the group to attempt to help, but that the crime scene should have been left alone to those whose job it is to handle such matters. The five return to the tavern or their respective home to retire for the evening. They find in the morning that they are unable to leave the attack alone. However, when they reach Dahlia's home they discover it is under watch of a guard. Bayram uses her magic and natural charms to lure the guard, Nicholas, off a little ways so the rest can continue to search. Unfortunately, nothing new presents itself.
     Bayram isn't able to stop Nicholas from eventually returning to his post. The others attempt to leave the house through the back, but Lyall accidentally causes a noise that alerts Nicholas to his presence. Rather than try to run and risk even more consequence, Lyall presents himself and fails miserably when lying to both hide his intentions and the presence of his fellows. Luca comes to the floundering half elf's rescue, and with some prompting from Bayram, Nicholas chooses to bring them to his boss, Captain Rodgers.
     The captain is naturally disapproving of the poking around, but a stall in the case has him thinking the strange group might be what he needs to make progress. Mathus' death was not the only one. Six more murders have taken place, and there is little to connect them together aside from the fact that they all happened recently. He will allow the five to investigate, given they prove themselves first. They talk with Dahlia again hoping to get more information, but the still shaken up woman doesn't have much to offer. Captain Rodgers then takes them to the house of another murder. This time, the sight is much more gruesome. The victim, Frank, had his chest ripped open. More blue blood and his innards scatter the room. Bayram and Lyall search the body enough to discover he was eaten while still alive, yet he put up no fight and rigor mortis had already began to set in. The idea of poison is suggested. Meanwhile, Blue checks outside and comes across footprints that likely belong to a male human.
     Knowing more is to be learned from the strange effect undergone by the victims, Lyall and Blue take skin samples to a reclusive mortician, Riley, outside town while Bane and Luca go to one of the chapels to hopefully learn more about the undead, a suggestion made of what the culprit for the murders might be. Bayram finds herself spending the evening with Nicholas, as she promised him an evening together in order to assist in helping her friends get out of trouble earlier in the day. The two have a nice dinner, Bayram performs a song, and they take a walk. Bane and Luca start gaining information that starts to cement the idea that the attackers are indeed not normal.
     Lyall and Blue's time goes by much more eventfully. They meet Riley, who is highly suspicious of them as he is with all people. Still, he examines what the two brought him and says that it is possible that the undead, specifically ghouls, are the troublemakers. He gives them a tome to study and suggest they check out the library for more information. Lyall and Blue go to leave when from the dark shadows Blue is attacked. The strange creature is able to take the dragonborn down in a single blow before it scampers towards the wall of the city. Lyall is able to stick an arrow in it, but the lone shot is not enough to take it down before it finds its way into Gullcrest.